12. Gucci Gucci

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Rose Damison

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Rose Damison

"With all that blood on his face, he looks like an angry zombie."

"This is so scary to watch."

"This is more interesting to watch than most of the shit on Netflix." Shelly and Rita comment while watching the viral video of Ethan and my brother. I have never been ashamed of him in my whole life than in this week. Ryan not only beat Ethan twice but he also dragged his weird sister in. 

He kissed her illicitly in front of everyone. He groped her vulgarly without even caring for her reputation or consent. No doubt why Ethan got so furious after seeing Ryan using her sister indecently and attacked him. 

I remembered in my 10th grade when that bastard stole my first kiss and tried to forcefully hook up with me, Ryan got so furious he ambushed on him menacingly and nearly broke his ribs. That bastard still has the streak of stitches from Ryan's brutish punches on his cheeks. And now, he is doing the same thing to someone's else sister.

Ryan deserves it, but Ethan didn't. He got suspended for damaging the environment of college and attacking the director, whereas Ryan was freely sent away with just an expulsion warning. Nobody dares to speak against him because of our family's shares in the college trust. 

I keep my mocha coffee down with a mere disgusted face as I look at the video, flying fists are brutally bombarded on Ethan's face directly, he practically looks semi-conscious still Ryan didn't spare him. He barbarically fought like a wrestler in WWE, ruthless with no emotions. 

Ryan has more issues than Vogue.

I bite my lips as I see Ethan being dragged like a ragged doll, I even see an abandoned shoe of him on the ground as Ryan mercilessly pounds him with cluster of punches. My heart cracks, no it painfully slits inside the rib cage seeing Ethan's condition. It's been two days since he didn't talk to me, hell he didn't even look at my new Gucci skirt for once.

I especially wore it today so he would comment or maybe just stare at it but he didn't even spare a glance and starkly ignored my presence. I never felt so ugly, all my life I have witnessed heads turning around at me but Ethan's ignorance was like the sharp thorns in my feeling's garden. Something I felt for the first time!

I am starting to feel that I'll die a virgin bcoz of my brother's control-freak nature. Ryan doesn't let me get close to any guy and even if a guy asks me out, he deforms his face so he couldn't ask any other girl out. I lock the phone and sip my coffee dishearteningly, 

I couldn't feel caffeine in the coffee, stars in the Starbucks, and Gucci in my skirt.

I look out of the cafe, the sky is painted in orange and purple pastel colors. The billboards on the buildings come alive as they lighten up the street with their neon and bright colors. The day slowly proceeds towards the night, covering everything in its blanket of darkness. 

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