39. Fuck-o-Maniac

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

"How many guys are you dating?" The guy with platinum blond hair and tattoos sneers looking at me.

"Excuse me, Ethan is my brother." I defy strongly. His eyebrow with silver piercing shoots up as if this is a spicy information of the day. What was his name again.. Zydick?

"Zydus. What do you want?" Ethan asks him while wearing his tee and pants, still hissing under the pain.

"I brought something for you." The blonde cooes as he pulls out a packet with white crystal-powder. He dangles the packet at Ethan in a way like teasing a bone in-front of a dog.

He brought sugar for my brother?

"I don't want it." Ethan shakes his head, then looks up at my squinty suspicious eyes.

"Why? Are you chickening out, baby Plasmodium?" Zydus snickers as he pulls out more packets, "I have something else for you. It's an exotic stuff with double power."

The fucktard dips his pinky finger in the packet and licks the powder of his tip saying, "Pure crystals baby."

What the hell is this shit?

"What is this?" Small sugar crystals look back at me as I stare at the packet with wide eyes.

Zydus smirks, "For you, I have something sultry." His tattooed palm slides in his pocket and he pulls out a small bottle with colourful pills, "These are buttons. This will skyrocket your ecstasy to another level." And winks at me.

Is he offering me sex drugs?

Ethan shoves Zydus and his buttons out of my face and warns in his big brother's tone, "Leave her out. I told you I don't want it anymore. Any of this."

Zydick's friendly face evaporates and nefarious personality takes over. Like a wolf who peeled off his sheep clothes, he raises his tattooed hand grimly and spats, "Three hundred dollars."


Zydus raises his pierced eyebrow, his eyes get dark and so does his voice, "I gave you three packets. And it was a hundred each, just do the math."

Oh my Mississippi!

"You never told me I had to pay." Ethan's eyes and soul, both pops out.

The vile guy scoffs, he taps his long and thick fingers on his head saying, "Do you have a dick in your head? Nothing is free baby."

"Three hundred dollars!" My brain runs on calculation, fast and errorless, "You took three hundred dollars' powder from him." I yell at my nerd brother who never bought me a three dollar candy.

"Crystals. And it was elite stuff that is imported from South Africa. Very much into demand." He raises his tattooed hand and tussles through his platinum split-end hair.

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