6. Khalifa

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

After a few days of break, the college seems new, different, alienated. I check out the buildings, parking lot and gardens like a tourist. Judging the architecture, quality of material and design of the premises. I think I would have planned and constructed a better one if they had asked me first.

"Will you sit here all day?" Ethan asks as he waits for me to hop out of the bike so he could hop off too. I leisurely get down as I look for a hot 6 feet tall lethal heartbreaking maniac. But other than mediocre crowd and the usual monotonous Instagram models, I see none. Couldn't he come early for a day so I could stare at him longer? Maybe skip a shower to save time, like me.

"Are you coming or you will bunk again?" Ethans asks irritatingly as he stands not too far away from me with his disappointed look. His bruises have been healed 50%, the redness on his swollen cheeks and lips is reduced too. But his nose still looks like a beaten papaya.

"You go, I have to buy something from stationary first." I tell him. He gives me a long skeptical stare then turns around and leaves. As he walks by, people stare at him and murmur Casanova, Harasser, Playboy behind his back but Ethan straight away walks not sparing them any looks. Well, at least he got famous!

After being used as a punching bag, I hope he will leave Rose alone now. I walk to the stationary and order a pen as I look around for Ryan or his jumbo car. Ryan is like my morning coffee, seeing him gives me a high level of electrifying hit that a 1000 volt pole couldn't. Staring him has another benefit, at least for the day I'll know what to dress him like in my imagination.

"Your pen."

I turn my head towards the old man at stationery, he squints his eyes in suspicion as he comments, "You are the only student who buys a pen daily. How come you lose it every time?" I narrow my eyes and quietly walk away with my pen. My bag sways weightlessly with just one book and rest hundred pens.

I again look around for his car or any clues of him but other than empty campus road I see nothing. I give a final look at the streets then turn my heels towards the class. I silently enter through the door when Professor Precisely was writing a program. Good, the fat cow didn't notice me!

Hardick again saved a place for me, I hurriedly get seated, take out my rough book and scribble whatever Precisely wrote on the board. Rose quietly enters the class, her face looks downhearted and gloomy as she stares at Ethan before getting seated.

But Ethan being a hard nerd, cold heart geek, he didn't even spare a glance at her and concentrated on writing his notes. He passionately follows his motto books over boobs and completely ignores the beauty queen. Rose's eyes are covered with dark clouds as she dejectedly sits on her chair while silently whimpering. Ohhh... Breakup scene!

Suddenly the doors swiftly open and Drake walks in like a badass principle, Precisely glares at him like a detonator missile but doesn't make any noise. He roughly walks to his last bench jiggling his jeans' chains catching everyone's attention.

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