4. Speed of Light

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A cute chapter by Almost Psycho ;)

A cute chapter by Almost Psycho ;)

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Rose Damison

I move my hand swiftly as I try to copy the program from the board, Professor Elvis's writing speed is equal to the speed of light, too fast to see. But my concentration breaks now and then as Professor's huge butt comes in between the way of my view and the board.

I lean to my right then left to have a glimpse of my uncomplete sentence but other than his side pockets and hips, I couldn't see anything. I look around to copy the notes and see Rita playing tic-tac-toe with Shelly. Oh, come on!

I keep my pen down in frustration and wait for Professor to complete the program first. But as soon as he finishes it, he rubs the right side of the board that I was waiting to write down. Oh noooooo!

I throw my hair back in slow motion as I turn around to ask for notes from our class's topper and hot nerd, Ethan. I first noticed him in my C lab, when he coded the steps to rob a bank on his computer just using codes. And that was so hot!

Ethan is tall, broad, handsome and possesses a beautiful smile. He had me at Hello World since he helped me in my first program. Sometimes I would simply stare at him while he studies or talks with his friends and because of that, he has caught me staring at him almost every time.

And now, I don't even feel awkward staring at him for long. In fact, I feel insecure when he doesn't catch me.

Ethan sits leisurely on his desk and plays with his pen twisting and rotating in between his long fingers. The way his muscles are relaxed, I know he has completed the program before even Professor started explaining the steps to us.

My heart does disco when his dark eyes shift to mine and a smirk breaks on his gorgeous face. I ignore the panic in my heart and point to his notes. Ethan quickly scribbles something and passes me his book.

I double quickly open the book to see what he has written at the end of the page:



I couldn't help but blush like a raccoon, my lipstick is all gone becoz of the number of times I bit my lips to suppress my smile. But like a stubborn wave, it keeps on surfacing on my face.

I don't look back at him but quietly write down the previous program that Professor erased on the board. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Ethan leaning forward on his desk, his biceps bulge out at his action. Why so hot?

Ethan eyes shine bright like the stars I stare at night, his plum lips pucker up as he whispers, "Knock, Knock!" I roll my eyes at him as I play along, "Who's there?"

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