37. The Alpha

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Emara Stone

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Emara Stone

He is the stick in Ryan's ass.

I stare up at the cage as the guy rips off the satin black robe and his body takes the stage. A current passes through me as I helplessly gawk at the half-naked, godly baked body who everyone seems to be gaping at.


He is huge. The man has enomorous shoulders with octa-abs, traps, pecs, and biceps, everything solid and dreamily tight.

I wonder how he could fit in Ryan's ass and not tear-down his anal pipe.

"Alpha-Alpha!" People hysterically shout beside my ear while I unconsciously stare at his hard physic and then he turns around.

My mouth opens in a gasp as I look at the eye-arresting wolf tattoo on his back. The 3D art is crudely tattooed on his skin starting from the middle of his spine, fur covering his back, head on shoulder, while its claws dig in front of his chest.

I envy those needles which penetrated into him, and not me. Wait.. That sounds so gay.

The art looks so dangerously beautiful on him, as if the beast would roar and rip out of his skin on being provoked.

He grimly eyes his rival, Shikari Hyena who is bouncing on his calves, while flexing his fists. This man is beefy but not an inch of him can be visually compete with the raw male viciousness of that so-called Alpha.

A faint smile appears his lips as he gawks his opponent up and down, studying his moves like a dance instructor.

As soon as the big bell rings, Shikari Hyena throws the first punch. Alpha dodges easily by a smart duck. The crowd roars as Hyena does an uppercut punch, forward strike, flying-karate kick, all in the air as he fails to hit the untouchable Alpha.

The man casually evade the strikes with a cocky smile on his face as if this is all just a game for him. Like a cat playing with its prey, he would deliberately come close and swiftly dart away while being attacked.

He likes to play.

The crowd suddenly howls as Alpha hooks a short power punch and knocks Shikari's face to the side. I flinch at the intense power in his strike and my skin tingles to the point that I could feel its impact on me.

So hot!

Adrenaline rushes to my bones as Alpha goes into his animalistic nature as he grabs his rival's hair in a nasty grip and rams his stone-cracking fist, right in the center of his face.

My body clenches at the view of his barbaric biceps contracting and releasing with each punch he delivers. Beads of precipitation forms under my t-shirt and in between my cleavage as the cries and cracking sound fills me up with goosebumps.

His Evil WaysHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin