City Lights & Starry Nights

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"So," I perked up, curious as ever. "Where are you taking me?"

James smirked. "Someone is curious."

No shit. I stared at him as I waited for an answer. 

He chuckled, "It's a surprise." 

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, watching the cars pass by. 

"And don't you worry, I am a perfect gentleman with good intentions. I'm not some psycho that'll dump you out in the woods." He joked.

I smirked. "I know." 

Truth be told, I could kill him before he even laid a hand on me. Out of the two of us I could actually get away with murder. I chuckled at the irony. I was far more dangerous than he could ever imagine.

After a 20 minute drive, he pulled up to a building and we got out as valet took his car. It was fancy and probably one of the taller buildings in the whole city. A definite skyscraper.

He led me to the top floor where there was a restaurant and bar that overlooked the city skylines. I let out a quiet gasp. It was beautiful and the view took my breath away. 

"Like it?" He asked.

"I love it" I say sincerely. 

The hostess led us to a table and after a few moments we ordered our food and drinks. We were seated by the window and although I loved the view outside, the one across from me was slightly better.

I blushed as I found him already gazing at me.

"So tell me about yourself Ellie."

I quirked my eyebrow. Is he serious right now? A nickname?

"Really, Ellie?" I laughed out loud.

"Yes, it seems like everyone has settled on calling you Eleanor and I want to be special. I've decided to call you Ellie and you shall be my Ellie." He exclaimed.

I smirked and shook my head. Secretly I liked that he called me Ellie.

We ate and talked into the night. He told me more about himself and his family. He only had one older brother (restaurant owner). His dad still worked in business and his mom owned a small flower shop. Both were nearing retirement and lived a few hours away.

I could tell he loved his family very much and the thought made me smile.

I told him the backstory of Eleanor Collins, where she lived abroad, what she studied, her parents and he fell for it.

I hated lying to him. I wish it was different, but this is my life.

"Favorite color?" He asked.

"How cliché," I giggled and thought about my answer. 

"Hmm, gold." Truthfully, that was my favorite color. Gold reminded me of freedom, something I had craved every day for the past 10 years at the agency.

He seemed shocked by my answer. "Wow Ellie, you surprise me. I thought you were going to say something girly like pink." He laughed.

I shook my head, "Nope, definitely gold. What about you?"

"Green," he replied instantly as he stared at my eyes. 

"Favorite food?" I asked.

"Ah, I am your typical all American guy in that sense. I love a good burger. You?"

"Pasta, no doubt." 

"Now that was an answer I partially expected. You always order it at my brother's restaurant."

"What can I say, I'm a sucker for good food." I laughed.

"If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?"

I paused, now this was a question I didn't expect. I wanted to be honest with him, well as honest as I could. I had never told anyone my dreams before. I looked up at him as I told him my answer.

"A doctor..." It sounded weird to admit. Foreign even. "If I could choose, I would gladly save lives,".... rather than take them I voiced in my head.

He smiled, "You're a good person Ellie."

No, I'm not.

After dinner he took me to a nearby museum. Apparently every second Saturday of the month, they had after dark hours where people would come and watch movies on the museum lawn. It was lit up with fairy lights and lanterns. Families and couples scattered the lawn laying, cuddled up under the night sky. A giant screen was set up for the movie.

He brought out a few blankets he had packed in the car and laid one out for us to sit on. He gave me one and laid the spare over both of us.

Truth be told, I was flattered. It was possibly one of the best nights of my life.

We whispered and giggled into the night as the movie played in the background. 

James looked at me before his eyes fluttered down to my lips. I hitched my breath as he slowly leaned in, giving me a chance to stop. I didn't want to. 

His lips lightly grazed against mine as he kissed me. In that moment it was settled, this was in fact the best night of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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