Date Night

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Why, why, why did I have to get myself into this. I had never dated anyone before. Well not for real anyway.

For some stupid, unknown reason, I had texted James my number a day later. He had messaged back almost instantly joking about how he thought he would never hear from me.

If only he knew.

We ended up texting nearly everyday and he would call once in a while to talk over the phone. I found it surprisingly easy to get along with him. He was smart, kind, and funny. 

I never pictured myself being in a relationship. I was here for one thing. A job. When would it come? I'd never know. 

Ms. Perrin's voice echoed in my head:

Blend in well, have a family if you must, but make no mistake Mischa. No matter how well you live your little American life, do not forget that at the end of the day you belong to us.

I thought about it. Maybe this was good for my cover. It was just a date and would keep me occupied.

I looked over myself in the mirror. I wore a simple black dress. It was snug and showed off my curves. I paired it with black strapped heels and a long gray coat. My hair was lightly curled and I had stuck with my neutral makeup, adding a bit more blush and lipstick to give me some color.

I quickly clasped on my silver necklace and threw my phone, wallet, lipstick, and keys in my small black purse.

James was going to take me out to dinner tonight. It was a Saturday evening, so now doubt there would be a pretty decent night life. 

He had offered to pick me up at my place. I had hesitated at first, but eventually agreed. It's not like he was coming up to my unit, just the building. 

I heard my phone ping with a new notification. 

From James: Hey! I'm here!

I smiled to myself before sending a quick reply telling him that I was coming down.

I took once last look in the mirror before locking up apartment and stepping into the elevator. 

Jeez, my heart was racing a million miles an hour. I had done a ton of daring things in the past. Countless missions, casualties, hackings, interrogations. I was really good at what I did. 

But this, this was a whole new level of nerves. I'd take a kill any day over this. The suspense was literally going to kill me.  

I walked through the lobby and said goodbye to the doorman as I left. I looked for James and heard a whistle to my left.

There he was, standing outside a black Mercedes Benz Coupe. Hmm very nice. He was dressed in a white button up with black slacks and a long coat.

I smiled as I made my way over to him. He kissed my hand.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I replied. "You look very handsome yourself."

"Well my lady let's go, your chariot awaits."

I giggled as he opened the door for me and drove us to our destination. 

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