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I forced my eyes away from the damp concrete of the front steps, and looked up to the ominous, dreary church that faced me. It was the only religious building here in Forks. The town was too small to have anything more. The brightly coloured stain glass windows were unsettlingly cheery looking for the gruesome bible stories they depicted, and a large eerie steeple loomed over me, making me feel small, and sick.

"This is ridiculous." I murmured, dreading the afternoon that was to follow. This was my Saturday afternoon. I don't want to be wasting it here. Charlie would be firm though, and even if it was in his own gentle kind of way, I knew it was hopeless to argue. I would be wasting my time.

"It'll be good for you, Bells. Dr. Cullen is a good man." Charlie urged lightly he reached a comforting hand to my shoulder. It was not a surprise to me that his touch fanned the flame of my annoyance. The scowl that had been across my face intensified.

How do you know what'll be good for me? You've hardly been in my life at all in the past three weeks.

I watched as a short girl with ghostly pale skin and black hair cheerfully skipped past the two of us, and head right into the creepy church. She was holding a huge tray of coffees from the local diner, and I was surprised how perfectly she'd managed to keep them balanced with one hand as she opened the door. From the quick glance I'd gotten of her, I was surprised by her blatant joy. It didn't match her brutally gothic aesthetic. How someone could be so happy in a place like this baffled me.

"There's another girl your age you could be friends with." Charlie hesitantly suggested, knowing just as well as I did that I was not there to make friends. "You should head in."

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" I grumbled coldly, and Charlie pursed his lips. He wasn't used to having a teenager, or a daughter at a for that matter. He was patient with me, and I appreciated that he put up with me and took me in every everything. He knew that I was only acting out and being moody because of my grief.

"I'll pick you up afterwards and we can go get ice cream." He offered in attempts to make me feel better about going through with this. He gave my shoulder a tender squeeze before letting me go, and I felt my stomach boil with anger. Ice cream? What does he think I am- a child? He missed that stage in my life. I'm seventeen now and I don't want ice cream.

"I don't want ice cream." I glowered bluntly, and knew that now was the time to end our short conversation. I didn't want to be late. Before Charlie could respond or come up with another childish idea like father-daughter ice cream, I forced my feet to start moving and disappeared inside the church.

It wasn't a huge church- nothing in forks was huge because of how minuscule the population was- but that didn't change the fact that the two interior looked like something out of a horror movie. After a couple of minutes of wondering around I managed to find my way to the basement, where I was told the meeting would take place. I stood outside the door, dreadfully eying the sign that was pinned up to the door.

Youth Grief Support Group.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

It had been exactly twenty one days since the passing of my beloved, hair-brained mother, Renée Dwyer, and my youthful, baseball loving stepfather, Phil. The pair of them had been out for an a walk, something that we did after dinner every night for as long as the two had been married. It was a family activity, but that night I had been studying for my Chemistry final and decided to stay in to do a little extra work. I never ended up taking the exam, and after they hadn't returned I started to worry. It was the middle of the night when the police arrived at my door explaining what happened.

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