Chapter 5

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A collective, "Ooo" goes up as the guy who sat next to Scott clotheslines his own teammate. I cringe and watch the player roll around on the grass, obviously in pain. He does it again to the sub for the injured player. Except, this one goes flying right toward the players' bench. Not even giving the sub for him a moment to play, the guy plows him over.

This goes on for a couple more and I flinch or cringe back for each one.

The coach stands up and points a stern finger at the guy, "Lahey! What the hell is your problem?" He just shrugs and walks away.

The whistle blows and Beacon Hills gets the ball. Not even two seconds later, a red jersey slams into two players fighting over the ball, one of them being Lahey.

Lahey stays down after they collide. Scott runs over to him and they talk for a second. People walk over and put Lahey on a stretcher.

They carry him off the field and the coach hands Scott a helmet and stick.

I put my hands in my pocket and fiddle with the quarter that's in it, nerves rattling my brain.

The ball rolls slowly to Stiles, stopping right in front of his feet. He stares at it for a moment. Then, he scoops it up and starts shuffling backward. The other players on the field are running toward him, feet stirring up dust. He turns around and starts yelling.

I clench my hands on the bench, metal cooling the skin.

"Oh, God," Mr. Stilnski says. He has a tight grip on his hair, face worried.

Stiles stops in front of the net. His helmet turns back and forth, following the movement of his head.

"Stilinski! Shoot it! Shoot! The ball!" The coach yells, his hand up in the air. "Shoot it, you idiot."

"Shoot it!" Lydia screeches from beside me.

With a split-second of hesitation, Stiles turns back to the net and shoots. The ball whips against the net, sending a spray of water out into the air.

Everybody around me starts yelling and screaming in celebration. Mr. Stlinski stands up and hollers. A large smile forces it's way onto my face and I can't help but yell just a little.

"I scored a goal!" Stiles's voice rings right in my ear. I jerk back in surprise and my eyes widen.

Why is this happening?

After that, it's like Stiles is a whole new player. He runs around players like it's nothing. He scores another goal that sends the crowd into a fit of delight.

Goal after goal is scored by number 24. We're all standing up, cheering. There's a big smile on my face and my hands are up in the air.

For one moment, I think Stiles's gaze is on me, but then I remember Lydia is right beside me. My smile drops for a second before I plaster it back up, smaller and not as real.

The buzzer sounds on the scoreboard, signaling the end of the game. The score is 10 to 9, Beacon Hills winning.

Excitement builds up in my chest as I watch the team crowd around Stiles. The field is filled with yells and whoops of glee.

Suddenly, the lights on the field die out. The cheering stops and a scream rips through the air. The noise pierces my ears, sending me back down to the bench. I clap my hands to my ears and bring my chest to my knees. It fades out and makes way for people yelling and screaming.

This time, it's not celebratory. The people around me are panicked and terrified. I'm terrified.

I stumble down the bleachers toward the people herded in a circle in the field. There's a body, it's bloody and it's not breathing.

(Discontinued) When the Wolves Howl | Teen WolfOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant