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Crylline had woken up again in the World of Night on the same side with a pain in her back from landing.

"I'm finally here, again..." She got up happy that she now knew the password to her mom's bracelet to get here and back. She walked down the dark grey stone path with the purple grass coming up through the cracks. The sky was dark making everything kinda creepy looking. She walked suspiciously of her surroundings. The whole city was shrouded in shadow. It had a creepy feeling to it sending a shiver up her spine. She looked up and wished this place was a little more serine and less creepy. Then she wondered 'do all the residents here think this is beautiful and my world is creepy and different?' She pondered about this for a moment. Then shook her head and said,

"Probably, because anything different can come across as creepy or cool and now that I look around here it's like the beautiful night. Maybe creepy because of the dark but beautiful because of the stars." This was true the stars were truly amazing. She was amazed at how beautiful this place was under the creepy, edgy, and dark feeling it brings at first.

"It's beautiful!" She said looking around with new eyes full of wonder. She slapped her face to get herself out of her daze she is on a quest after all. She continued walking towards the castle. The path became better on her way to the castle. She was walking admiring the buildings and didn't realize someone was in front of her. She ran into him and fell on top of him in a awkward position.

"What in the shards!" He yelled pushing her off of him.

"S-Sorry" she said getting up.

"You need to watch where you're going!" He yelled before pausing.

"You owe me." He said with a smirk.

"Wait, for what?" She asked concerned. 'Who does this guy think he is?' She asked herself studying him. He had black fluffy hair with black soft looking bear ears. She assumed he had a tail because of his ears. She assumed this because she and Amize were both half cat-half human and they both had cat ears and a cat tail. He was wearing a black hoodie with black pants and tiny black boots. He was darker skinned and had an annoyed face with dark gray eyes. He stared at her.

"You owe me for knocking me over," He said with a flustered and frustrated face.

"What do you want?" She asked concerned.

"I need you to help me," He said pulling her into an alleyway.

"The king is corrupt and I heard he had a girl trapped there and part of the resistance I have to save her"

"You have to save her?"

"Yes as I said before I have to save her for the resistance and you are going to help me"

"Ok then. Where too first?" Crylline asked ready for what the world was throwing at her.

"Oh about that we need to find my partner Drake. Cause... well... I have no clue..."

☦︎︎✞If I Found You A World Away✞☦︎︎ {HIATUS}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora