Chapter 38

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There was that familiar unsophisticated feeling of joy that radiated in Uraraka's bones knowing that for the first time in weeks she truly had a day off.

Being a hero meant a person was usually always working, whether it be boring patrols or saving lives and fighting crime. After graduating from UA like the rest of her class, it wasn't particularly hard to get into the flow of being an actual pro rather than an interning student or the likes of it. Though like many of her fellow classmates, responsibility and demand were always on the horizon for her, making the young hero feel like she had no time for herself anymore.

It made her question how in the world her old teachers did what they did on a regular basis.

Teaching classes and being a pro hero all at the same time.

It took perseverance.

It took strength.

She didn't think of herself as weak person as she used to in the past. Far from it. The brown haired young woman had proven to herself and to others of her undaunted power and skill, expressing that ability before heroes senior or not. She was already becoming known to always being light on her feet, ready to take any task head on, and always looking for more.

But when days such as this came around where she was officially, and legally free from playing hero, her joy would always meet no bounds. Being off today felt like she had just gotten released from school for break, or she just graduated again, or she was reliving her first kiss. The feeling was something the woman wanted to bask in for as long as possible before the time came where she would have to return back to being a hero.

In the beginning of the morning of her first day off, in quite a time, she had juggled in her mind over different ways to spend her day. Of course she could spend it out and enjoy the outside or go to shopping, or even spend the day in her backyard gardening. She also debated on lazing about in her own house wearing the bare necessities and eating all the junk food she usually made herself stay away from to maintain her figure for the sake of staying on top of her health.

She had nearly sided with the latter decision when she received a phone call from her fellow hero, and close friend, Izuku.

As of late, both their hero agencies had been working very closely together to tackle some minor spikes in crime around the downtown areas of Musutafu, so Uraraka was seeing much more of the green haired young man like she had back in school. Before their agencies decided on working together, the zero gravity quirk hero had rarely seen any of her dear friends and classmates which at first deeply saddened her.

The young woman did have an understanding, and a reluctant acceptance, that after high school people usually begin to drift away to new things, form different groups, make new friends. As life continues, and as teenagers become adults, they become more individual. Some go to college, others find themselves caught up in relationships or get stuck with work. There are only few who have friendships that survive beyond high school and continue on during adulthood. This was at least true for regular students.

For the students of UA, with the trials they faced together and all their experiences over the three years in school, they were much closer than regular students because they had to be close to survive. They lived, worked, and fought alongside each other valiantly. Uraraka also felt lucky over the fact that despite not talking to her old friends from school like she used to, she still kept in contact enough with them to feel their presence.

She could only guess her worries over her friendships was because of her new responsibilities and her newfound freedom. She was out of her parents house and living on her own all the while trying to an adult. All that and more could easily stress someone out.

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