Chapter 12

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Art Credit: tushienori (two words: broad shoulders)

Midoriya felt beyond excited to return to school after being home on winter break to spend quality time with his mother. Returning back to the dorms felt like coming back to his second home.

He was ready to see his room decked out in All Might merchandise and his friends there to be with him. The young man had been unpacking his things when he received a phone call. Reaching for the phone and tucking it in between his cheek and shoulder, the boy answered.

"Hello?" the green haired future hero sung, folding his shirts neatly.

"Hello, young Midoriya?" The voice on the other end the boy immediately recognizing.

"A-All Might! How are you?" the young man stuttered, nearly dropping his phone as he scrambled to pick it up with his hand. He could hear the seasoned hero laugh from the other end, hearty and kind like he always knew it to be.

"I'm well my boy. I just wanted to check on you and let you know I won't be starting on the first week coming back to school...You'll also have to train on your own for that time." the man said, Midoriya freezing at his words.

"Did something happen?? Are you sick?" The boy cried out, a worried expression plastered on his face as he stared at one of his All Might toys sitting on the desk before him.

His teacher chuckled.

"Young Midoriya, I told you I'm well. I'm just helping out Miss (L/N) while she takes some time off." Toshinori paused after that comment, nearly saying his friends first name to his successor. The boy let out an understanding noise, walking toward the window as he looked out to the school grounds.

"Miss (L/N)? Did something happen? Is she okay?" Midoriya asked the blonde man urgently, his grip on his phone tightening with concern.

"Yes, she's okay...I just don't believe it's my place to tell you about her business in these regards." the man murmured unsurely, letting out a sigh when he heard his student whine on the other end. Toshinori thought for a moment, pressing the phone on his cheek while he listened to the soft shuffling of items coming from Midoryia's end. Apart of him really wanted to tell his student about what had happened because of how close he was to him. He wanted their relationship to stay vocal and communicative. But the man also valued (Y/N's) friendship with him and her privacy, more then he could ever realize at that point.

Luckily the boy beat him to the punch.

"...Okay All Might. I'll see you when you get back then." Midoriya caved very easily, his heart still resting uneasy as random thoughts popped into his heavily overthinking brain. Toshinori smiled, pleased that the boy wouldn't push it any further.

"Thank you. I'll check up on you as the week progresses. It won't be long." he replied, ending the call.

A week off of work hadn't been long enough.

It would be the first day back for both teachers and their first day for the third term. Toshinori stood by the front door mirror as he fixed his tie, wearing the new fitted suit (Y/N) had bought for him some days ago. The older man tugged at the white collar, his utter lack of confidence only making him want to change into one of his baggy, but familiar suits and forget about wearing the expensive one. Toshinori's feelings were mixed as he looked at himself. Before, any fitted suit he wore would've belonged to his hero persona, All Might.

People admired All Might's body, not his.

(Y/N) padded toward the man, flattening some of the frizz in her (h/c) locks as she watched her friend once again stand before a mirror while he fussed over himself. She sighed through her nose, taking some steps closer as she grabbed her work shoes.

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