Chapter 15

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Art Credit: tushienori

It hadn't been hard for (Y/N) to put two and two together about her feelings after that night.

She had initially been denying her affection toward Toshinori, not wanting to stress him out by dumping her own emotions onto his already struggling mental health. She had been at that point in her past where she couldn't handle a relationship because of her issues, and she would feel absolutely guilty if she did the same to the blonde. The woman had been surely focused on wanting to be there for him and be his friend, that she hadn't realized she was falling for the retired pro hero.

(Y/N) hadn't been so deep in her ignorance as the man had been though, the tenderness she'd been harboring to herself growing more apparent as the days continued on.

She usually wasn't this oblivious to other men she found attractive. The crushes in her previous years had been so simple to spot.

Toshinori was different in this aspect.

One of the first things humans get attracted to in another person is their physical qualities, whether one wants to deny that or not. People naturally are observant creatures, making first impressions being the most important for a relationships future. The man had been a unique case from the very beginning.

When they'd met for the very first time when the retired hero still was able to use his quirk, (Y/N) had gotten a kick at how dramatic his change in forms was.

That was the start of it all.

On one extreme he was bulked, with impressively stacked muscles that bulged every time he moved. Toshinori's signature All Might smile was so passionately bright, (Y/N) always found herself smiling along with his contagious grin. The man was a beacon of hope and justice, giving all the people who knew him a sense of security.

When she had first met his true form long before they became close friends, like many other people she didn't realize he was the same person. This was the Toshinori she grew to love; a thin, lean man who's posture was always a bit slouched.

Citizens had compared him to a skeleton which the water quirk hero slightly disagreed with. He was very slim, yes. He wasn't average looking, but everything about his true form had been enhanced due to how massively big All Might was.

In comparison, of course he'd look like a twig.

He was tall in both forms, completely looming over (Y/N's) short height.

Toshinori had darling golden tuffs of hair that usually was billowing out around his face with his long bangs resting on either side of his hollow cheeks. On the occasions when the man still had his hero form his hair was slicked back with tall locks of hair pointed at the top of his head.

She didn't even want to get started on those piercing ocean blue eyes.

God, they were intense. Always.

(Y/N) felt lucky that she was able to witness those cerulean eyes on her. Every time he looked at her, the woman grew weak like putty.

At the time when (Y/N) was still calling Toshinori by "Yagi-san" their conversations were close to none. Even still, the (h/c) haired woman had always kept a silent fondness toward the man.

It was his selflessness and compassion that lead her that day to ask him that one question. All she wanted was to give back at least a little for what he's sacrificed for the greater good. She was thankful that she had made that decision, knowing full well she wouldn't be at this point with him now if she hadn't. She fell for the vulnerability he exposed to her, even if it was just scratching the surface of secrets he kept hidden to himself. Toshinori was more complex than his hero persona, he was so much more than the symbol of peace.

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