Chapter 4

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Art Credit: tntksoup

The sky was so pretty out, Toshinori had no intention of wasting his day off inside.

When All Might wasn't benched from hero work, the man found that he liked going around the city and being considerably normal in his true form. It was nice not having people fawn over you constantly or worrying about others.

Now that his long kept secret was out however, Toshinori realized he no longer had the pleasure to just go outside of his apartment without being recognized. Sporting a solid baggy shirt and moss colored jeans that laid under his beige color trench coat, the retired hero reached for a belt to hold the pants to his hips. Apart of him wanted to finish it all off by covering his face and head but he found he was sweating under what he was already wearing.

Once he deemed himself ready for the outside, grabbing the essentials, wallet, phone, and keys, Toshinori took one look at himself in the mirror that rested on the wall by the door. His hand rested lightly on the knob as his eyes wandered.

He stopped, and stared.

Had he grown even older over the past few weeks?

Letting go of the doorknob the man felt his legs move closer to the wall where the reflective surface hung and watched as his head leaned from left to right. The shadows under his ceruleans were so disgustingly dark and he hated how prominent the lines were on his face that exposed where his cheekbones were. He looked sunken, less of a man than he used to be.

Then he found the ghastly sight of his blonde hair and how it just hung off his face like a dry mop. Despite having felt warm earlier he was seriously debating whether or not to cover up after looking at himself. Letting out a sigh he pushed away from the mirror and forced himself to open the door. Him judging himself because of his appearance would not stop him from enjoying the day, even though it hurt his heart so much.

He was thankful the sun wasn't as blaring as it had been the other day, locking his door shut as he trekked over to one of his most treasured places.

Dagobah Municipal Beach Park had unfortunately been the sight of many counts of illegal dumping, and although the police did their best to control this growing issue the trash continued to pile. Toshinori had vaguely remembered his time at the beach park before it had been defaced like it had been and sought to return it back to its beauty through young Midoriya.

The boy had done a fine job, and the retired hero couldn't have been any prouder of him. Walking down the long stretch of sand ahead of him, families and beach goers where now returning to this beautiful place.

Stopping a few feet away from the water inching in and out of the shoreline, Toshinori looked beyond the shallow water to where the water turned a pretty dark blue. Waves continuously formed in its body and was pushing its way to land, only to repeat once again. The sun blessed the water by adding an almost irresistible shine to its form that the retired hero felt himself get lost in watching it for a moment.

He thought it a bit funny, to get lost in the waves like that.

"Beautiful things must be admired..." he whispered to himself, his smile feeling the most genuine he's had that day.

"What was that, friend?" A soft voice sung behind him and he strangled back a shout, hacking out his single lung in the process.

"Oh no, not again! I'm sorry Toshi!" the voice said, the retired hero recognizing it instantly. Whipping around with blood dribbling down the corner of his lip he glared at her half seriously, pulling a napkin from his pocket to wipe it away.

Holding a hand to his chest, Toshinori sighed shakily.

"You're...gonna kill me." he huffed as he met his eyes with pretty pools of (e/c). Standing before the man stood (Y/N), this time in casual clothes since this day they shared off. She smiled apologetically at him, her hands tugged into her (f/c) knitted sweater while she waiting for him to compose himself.

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