Chapter 33

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Art Credit: zaku_art

Something that Toshinori feared would happened after he stepped down as the Symbol of Peace is that the world he once knew would fall into a spiral of chaos and hurt that he couldn't fix on his own. After all, he'd been the sole deterrence that kept crime in Japan so low for so long that justice had taken a severe blow after his retirement. But it had already been almost four years since that initial point, two years since (Y/N's) fight and her own retirement, and things seemed to be growing for the better every single day despite his worries.

It had already been an entire year since his successor Izuku, or Deku, as he was recognized through his hero name graduated from UA and dived straight into the hero scene. So much pride swelled within the blonde man as he saw this once quirkless young boy turn into a hero in his starting prime. In the beginning when Toshinori first took on his young apprentice, he truly believed he wouldn't have lived to see this point.

Though, he had already surpassed Nighteye's prediction by a couple years and nothing now would stop him from continuing to live and to see his previous student climb higher and higher in his endeavors. The green haired young man had changed drastically both physically and mentally. By the end of his time at UA, Izuku was one of the strongest and one of the top young heroes in his class. He also was creeping in height with Toshinori himself, a growth spurt which happened sometime during his second year. Barely nineteen now, the young man was still showing growth, and it was clear a man was now there in place of a boy the man once knew.

Even if schooling at UA was over for the green haired hero, he still trained with the retired man whenever he had the free time to do so. Now being a hero gave him much more responsibility and duty than he had before, and to Toshinori it seemed like the young man was doing well with his new lifestyle.

As his successor's life was building up in a quicker pace, the retired man's life had reasonably slowed and calmed, like the shallow waves drawing in and out of the sea to the shore.

His health both in mind and body improved immensely since he first started his journey to healing after stopping hero work. Though his weight was still on the thinner side he was very near average weight for his towering height which was gained through his lean muscle mass he'd been building back up after his severe decline in his weight. Going on regular jogs and following his doctors orders with safe and healthy exercise methods for his conditions made it easier for him to manage the symptoms of his injury and occasional pain, all the while keeping healthy. He had improved so much that he couldn't remember the last time he coughed up blood which used to be something regular to him.

Toshinori and (Y/N's) relationship continued to exceed new levels as well, having recently bought a house together with the shared retirement money they had. It was a comfortable homely residence that was more than perfect for the couple having multiple rooms and was well secured. As heroes even if retired, would always carry a slim margin of danger with them. Due to this, their house's location was out of the public's knowledge and only a select few of trusted colleagues, friends, and family knew of their location. These precautions were made entirely out of the interests of their safety.

(Y/N) didn't mind this and personally enjoyed the seclusion while still being near the city. The commute time to the campus they both worked at from their new home was about fifteen or so minutes by train, the same time if they took a car. What the woman liked about this new home was the fact that it was surrounded by natural shrubbery and trees, and with a clean and spacious porch outside she could spend hours just sitting out sketching and admiring the view around her.

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