The institution episode 2

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Ivie wore her favorite pant trousers looking into the mirror. It didn't fit as it used to and her best friend Shade walked in without her awareness. "You might want to start shopping for new clothes" she commented and I turned towards her laughing.

"It's like prison made my ass flat"

"If you call your ass flat what will you call mine?" She asked and Ivie chuckled.

"You mom called me to tell me the good news. Welcome back bestie!!" she yelled and they hugged for a while before sitting on the bed.

"My ass looks flat right?"

"It doesn't . I'm serious, you're still as hot as you were that year except now you're leaner but that's why you have Mom, she'll make you fat in no long time" she assured and Ivie chuckled again.

"It's nice to see you smile again"

"We both know prison didn't stop me from smiling"

"But this one is different"


"This is a smile of a free woman. I'm so happy for you"

"Did you have me released?" Ivie asked and she shook her head.
"No I didn't, why did you ask?"
"I don't know who ordered for my release and it's suspicious?"

"Who cares?"

"I care! I care, let me know who show my appreciation to. You know I hate owing people"

"I know but now is not a good time to worry about that"

Ivie exhaled, "Thank you Shade. Thank you for being available for me, thank you for being a friend"

"Why would you he saying me that? If I don't do it, who will?"

"How's George and the kids?"

"They're fine"

"And your job, I'm sorry you had to leave every time to visit me" she apologized and Shade stood up covering her face. She had a secret she has been keeping from Ivie.
"What is it you're keeping away from me? What happened over the years?" Ivie asked, it wasn't so hard to read her best friend.

"Well... Maybe I left some story out"
"You left out... For eight years Shade? Eight years? Okay, what is it?"

"I was fired from work"


"Because I was tied to your case and they knew I gave you information so.... The party had me fired" she answered and Ivie shut her eyes in guilt.

How many more people did she hurt as a result of her plot eight years ago? 

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" she apologized and Shade hissed. The apology was not necessary.

"Ivie it's okay. It's totally ok, at first I was angry but it was for a good course and I just couldn't keep on working for the wrong people."

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