Even with this immense fear I still let myself fall in love with him.   As I was walking to the pack house that morning I touched my lips and smiled. Remembering how Adrian was over me in the middle of the night and pleasuring me beyond my dreams. 

Scarlet and the pack were set to leave tomorrow which is the same day he said I'm moving packing into his house. I refused immediately thinking he was mad. I was too insecure to share my fear of the packs rejection so I just laughed it off knowing he was plotting something. 

I couldn't find Scarlet and Julia around so I decide to take a run before I try again.   I was near my favorite lake spot when I ran into him.  I feel to the ground and coward in fear. Nathan looked down and gentle picked me back help surprisingly looking remorseful.

"Rylee" if all he growled out before pushing me to the closet tree and started licking and sucking on me neck. I immediately I responded me punching at him, trying to move him off.

He responses were so aggressive that I knew his wolf was taking over. His wolf was mad he rejected his second chance mate and chose to me with another girl. He was trying to take ownership and I was shaking thinking he might lose all control and make me.

The tears let lose knowing I could never overpower him in this stare. Before I could continue to protest I felt the cold air on me again. Shocked, I look up and see Adrian transforming into his wolf on top of Nathan.

Their fight is ugly but I continue to cry knowing I was powerless. Finally Nathan submitted. He turned to look at me in disgust. Like he blamed me for being at the same place and making his wolf lose control. I didn't know if he still wanted to fight this or if he knew he could never win me back.

Adrian let him go with a warning and then ran to me. I let him hug me while I cry into his shoulder. In that moment I found myself healing through him. I couldn't explain it but I knew it was special.

As we were walking back I knew Adrian was bothered I just didn't know why. I surely wasn't ready for what he asked me.

"Did you kiss him?"

I stopped in my tracks and let him see the anger in my eyes.

"He attacked me. Why would it matter if he kissed me if it wasn't consensual"

Adrian let out a long sigh which irritated me even more.
"I just need to know how you feel about him now. His wolf is fighting for you"

I slapped Adrian out of reflex. The 2nd time I have slapped an alpha. I felt like that was a sure sign I was insane.

"Yes that changed something. It made me want him even less because he has hurt me again. You think I would want that because it's fate. I stopped believing in fate a long time ago" I spit out before pulling from his hold and running back to the pack house.

I was hurt. I heard him shouting after me but I made sure so be around the pack so he would be distracted. I wanted to sulk in my misery for a little longer before he made it all better. And I knew he would make it better because I loved him. Even though I never admitted that to him.

I found Scarlet and Julia shortly after and continued my great acting abilities and pretended that everything was great. We went shopping as requested and spend an easy day together. I tried my best to be present but it was hopeless everyone Adrian texted me.

I was so distracted in my thoughts that I didn't notice the first sign of an man following us. We had the three pack warriors of each pack guarding us but I still feel guilty for not being alert.

"Scarlet I thought you would go easy on the shopping since you said you do this often" I playfully say, seeing the 10 shopping bags carried by her pack members.

"Zac loves it when I buy stuff for myself" she giggles. My hear warms knowing his happy she is.

We were almost back in our territory when the car in front was hit by a wolf. Our pack warriors instantly fought back at our attacker. But there was too many enemies also approaching our car.

Going to full defense mode I shove Scarlet to one of the warriors and ordered him to take her to safety immediately. I don't even remember which pack he was part of but I'm just thankfully he followed through even with her protests.

I look around and find Julia fighting off other wolves. There was about 10 wolves against Julia, myself, and the remaining five pack warriors.

As soon as I see Julia struggle I go to help her. One of the warriors was also helping Julia knowing he had to save his Beta female. I told him to also take her back but Julia was back to help me.

She had two wolves knock her down when I came over and kicked one of them off. I felt so stupid for not having my silver daggers with me. I always bring them when leaving the territory but I knew I was too distracted today.

I saw 2 warriors fall before I have the order again to take Julia to safety. Finally he noticed we were weakened and oblige. I saw the smaller wolf come behind me which I prepared to punch back but then I felt the wolfsbane being injected in me.

And that leads to the present. Waking up to find myself in a cell surrounded by silver. I spent an hour studying my surroundings to study all possible escapes. I've been in these situations before already knowing I could easily escape. But I chose to stay. I wanted to know who attacks us assuming Scarlet's life is in danger again.

What felt like several hours later is when I heard footsteps coming down the stares. When I saw him is when I knew this was about revenge. Oliver stood in front of the cell looking at me in disgust. He was the younger brother of Jax. Everything knew heard the evil of Jax but I didn't study that much of Oliver.

"I wanted Scarlet to be with me today but I will still be satisfied to slowly torture the one who killed me brother" was the only thing he said to me tonight while someone else tied me to a chair with more silver.

I pretended to scream in pain hoping to please him so he would leave happy. I knew at that moment I was dealing with evilness so I had to plan my escape as soon as possible.

Cruel MoonsWhere stories live. Discover now