27 - A new recruit & a surprise!

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Seokjin's POV

After our holiday, my boyfriends and I headed back to work. Our time away had been amazing to say the least but we couldn't ignore the real world for long. I missed work and I was also worried about Jimin. He and I hadn't had a chance to catch up recently.

As I walked to my desk, I frowned. It was occupied by someone else.

"Hello, I think you're in the wrong place." I looked at the stranger sitting in my chair.

"I-I'm sorry, but I work here. My name is Lisa. And you are?" She woke up and bowed politely.

"I'm Kim Seokjin and I believe, that's my seat."

She was thoroughly confused until I heard a voice behind me calling me over. I looked at Lisa one last time and she blanched, getting back to sit down on my chair. I fumed and turned on my heal in the direction of Mr Jung.

"Jin, wow, you're back! It's great to see you. Come, Mr Min wants to see you."

"Mr Jung, who is Lisa and why is she at my desk? Is she the temp?"

"Oh no Jin. She's the new recruit. Listen, Mr Min will explain everything to you. Let's just go to the conference centre okay."

I followed him, a bit irritated now. I needed answers and he was stalling. Did they fire me while I was away? That didn't make any sense.

Mr Jung opened the door to the conference centre and I was shocked to see everyone inside yelling 'Surprise' in unison. My hand flew to my chest and my eyes locked on my boyfriends standing at the back next to a huge banner that read 'Congratulations Seokjin' .

"Congratulations Seokjin. You've been promoted to Junior Advertising and Marketing Manager," my boss said, shaking my hand in earnest.

It all seemed surreal. My boyfriends moved toward me and I felt myself sandwiched between them in a bear hug. They both whispered their congratulations next to my ears and kissed my cheeks.

I was so happy but I just wanted to be alone with them right now. It was all too overwhelming.

"Congratulations Jin," Namjoon Sir said, followed by my friend Jimin. I pulled him into a hug and he smiled happily at me.

"You guys! Wow! Thank you everyone. I'm speechless."

I smiled and thanked everyone individually. We ate some cake and downed some celebratory punch and then it was back to work for us all. Mr Jung guided me to my new cabin where I found my dear friend Jimin, standing to attention, grinning like a cheschire cat.

"Good morning Mr Kim. I'm Park Jimin, your new assistant." He smiled broadly.

"Are you kidding me?" I jumped and hugged him tightly, laughing happily.

Mr Jung smiled and showed me into my new office and discussed my new work ethic and expectations. It was all exciting to take in. Before long, I was visited by my senior, Namjoon, who winked at my assistant naughtily before conducting our meeting. Hmmm....I suppose I would be getting the juice on that soon enough.

The day passed by in a haze and I made plans to go out with Jimin that night so we could catch up. My boyfriends were slightly put out but they decided it was healthy for us to have friends outside of our relationship too. I encouraged them to go out without me and just have some fun too but they didn't really feel like it.

I kissed them goodbye and made my way to the bar that Jimin had texted me about. It was great catching up with Jimin. He was truly fun to be with. And it was also insightful to see him outside of the office environment.

I was so happy for him and Namjoon. They had been going steady since their first date and Jimin looked truly happy. He had once spoken to me about a dreadful relationship he had been in. It was toxic to say the least. But now, he seemed so much happier with Namjoon.

"We've been thinking about getting a bigger place for the three of us. My apartment can get a bit cramped and their apartments are just bachelor pads, which they've hardly lived in these past few months." I smiled happily, downing my beer.

Jimin smiled naughtily. "Maybe you should just get a bigger bed," he winked. I threw a peanut at him.

"You know Minie, I never thought my life would feel so complete and now with us both being promoted, I feel like life is trying to tell me something. Like the next stage of my life needs to kick into high gear."

"What do you mean Jin?"

"I don't know. It just feels like there's something more to this whole set up that we have. I mean, I love my boyfriends, don't get me wrong, but there's something missing and I can't quite place my finger on it just yet."

Jimin nodded his head thoughtfully. "I'm sure you'll figure it out soon Jinnie. Have you spoken to your parents as yet, you know, about your relationship?"

I blanched. "No....I'm afraid of what they will think Minie. I mean, it's not exactly conventional in any way. And my parents are so old school, I don't know if they'll ever understand. It was hard enough for them to accept that I was gay. Their only son, a gay disappointment." I smirked and ordered another drink.

"Don't say that Jinnie. You could never be a disappointment. You've worked so hard and look where you are today. I'm sure they will be really proud of you. You should speak to them. Tell them about your promotion too."

"I guess you're right Minie. It's so good talking to you. My bfs are amazing but sometimes you need a friend and I'm so glad I have you."

"Awww Jinnie. You're the first real friend I've ever had. Let's get out of here now, I'm sure Namjoon is going crazy without me at home." He rolled his eyes dramatically.

"You moved in?"

"Well, not officially. But I don't know. Maybe soon." He became all flustered and I smiled, happy for my friend. We made our goodbyes and I felt lightheaded and free as I made my way home.

I pushed the door open and was surprised to find my bfs sitting on the couch, laughing with my neighbour Ken. I smiled at them and excused myself to head to the bathroom. I was feeling rather queasy. Maybe I had drunk too much.

I threw up and rinsed my mouth out. After a while of splashing cool water on my face, I felt better. A soft hand snaked its way around my waist and I smiled. My Jungkook.

"Are you okay my love?" He looked at me with concern. I leaned into his chest and nodded.

"Just feeling light headed. I think I need to lie down for a bit."

"Sure baby. Let's get you changed up and Tae and I will say goodnight to Ken."

I nodded gratefully. He helped me get into bed and I heard the door close after a few minutes.

"Hey my baby." Tae pulled me into his lap in the bed. "Are you okay sweetheart?" He passed a cool hand over my forehead. I felt feverish.

I smiled at him gratefully. "I'm okay love. Just feeling slightly under the weather."

"My poor angel. Do you want some soup?"

I nodded and Jungkook moved to the kitchen to make some for me while Tae stayed with me. After a while, I felt better with the warm soup.

"I love you both so much."

"We love you too angel. Rest now baby," Jungkook said and I slowly drifted off to sleep in Tae's embrace.



Hey swties. Just some fluff for you all. Are you enjoying this ff? Drop me your thoughts.

I purple you 💜   


Love Swty 😙

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