19 - Two Idiots & a Boss

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Seokjin's POV

The week has flown by and already there are so many changes in my life. I've never been happier, more satisfied or more sore, in my life. My boyfriends are two horny idiots who just want to fuck me senseless almost every night.

But my poor, ruined body, can't take much more of this treatment, hence, I've placed a 3 day ban on them both. Needless to say, they're both not doing too well with this ban but I can't help it. I need to rest and recuperate or I'll probably fall unconscious from sheer exhaustion, pretty soon.

I watch as they both pout at me from their workstations and I sigh heavily, shaking my head in the negative. I know what they want and I'm not giving in, no matter how cute they both look. Jungkook burries his head on his table and Taehyung huffs in annoyance and folds his arms at my rejection. They're not allowed to come to my desk either.

The intercom on my table buzzes and I get up to go to my boss. I know my boyfriends perk up with interest just to catch a glimpse of me. I just roll my eyes at them and enter Namjoon's office.

He looks up from his desk and smiles at me. He's really easy to work for and I appreciate his understanding and care when it comes to me and my personal life too.

"Jin. I need your help again. Urm, on a personal level," he says, looking at me shyly.

"Oooh. ... someone new Sir?" I tease him and he laughs lightly.

He rubs the back of his head and he looks so cute and shy.

"Yeah...I-I actually wanted to know if you knew, since he's your friend and you guys seem pretty close." He was rambling on so shyly. I just smiled at him, waiting for him to continue. "It's actually, your friend, Jimin. Do you know if he's seeing anyone?" He asks me shyly.

I smile happily. "Hmmm....I think he isn't seeing anyone at the moment. Do you like him Sir?" I look up to find him looking at me with a huge, goofy smile.

"Jin......I think he's so cute." He looks away, bashfully and I want to squeeze his cheeks, he looks adorable. "But I'm scared. What if he doesn't want to go out with me or he's afraid because I'm his boss and he'll think I'm doing this because of that." He looks at me, terrified.

"You're overthinking this Sir. And if I know my friend, he'll be really happy to go out with you."

"Really?" He asks hopefully. "Do you think you will be able to ask him without him knowing that I like him? I mean, I don't want to scare him off by being overbearing."

"Gosh! Sir, just be yourself. You're a great guy and I'm sure he'll be happy. Let me ask him and see what he thinks. I'll try to ask him hypothetically."

"Yeah...that sounds like a good idea! Thanks Jin. I owe you big time." And he gets up and hugs me softly.

"It's my pleasure Sir," I smile at him.

"Don't you think it's time you call me Namjoon? I mean, I know I was weird in the past but I had a reason. But after working so closely with you, I realised you're such a nice person and I couldn't go ahead with it."

I'm confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Please don't be mad, okay? But Yoongi wanted me to break you up with your boyfriends. Well, at the time they weren't even your boyfriends as yet, but when I saw them with you that day in the hotel room, I realised just how much they care about you. I'm sorry Jin. Will you ever forgive me?"

All this is news to me. But what I don't understand the most is, why would Yoongi not want me to be with them? I think I need to speak to Jimin before I do anything.

"It's okay Namjoon. I don't blame you. I'm just rather confused at all this."

"I can understand your confusion. But I know there wasn't any malicious intent. I think he was doing it for his boyfriend's entertainment."

"Okay....that's just even more confusing. But let's not concern ourselves about that right now. It's almost lunch, let me go speak to Jimin."

He became so shy at that. It was so cute to see him that way. I made my way to Jimin's cubicle and ran into two people that I didn't want to see right now, my two boyfriends. I scowled and side-stepped them; they moaned sadly. I can't deal with them and their eccentrics right now. I moved away from them, annoyed and went to my friend.

"Jiminie, let's go to lunch," I said, intertwining our hands. He smiled happily and we made our way out to the caf. I could feel my boyfriends' stares burning holes in my shirt. I didn't care. They could just suck it up.

"Jiminie, can I ask you something?"

"What's up Jin, trouble in paradise?" He asked, indicating my two boyfriends. I just rolled my eyes because they were staring at our table.

"Just ignore them. That's not what I wanted to ask you about. What do you think about our boss, Namjoon Sir? I mean, hypothetically speaking, if he had to ask you out, what would you say?"

"Oh my God Jin! Did he ask you out?"

"Shut up! No, he didn't!" My eyes wandered to my boyfriends to see if they had heard his outburst. They seemed interested in their own conversation. I breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn't deal with that nonsense right now. "Do you want me to get killed? Don't scream like that! I was asking you, if he had to ask YOU out, what would you say?"

He smiled shyly. "Well, you know I think he's hot as fuck but maybe people in the office would think I'm only going out with him for brownie points or a promotion. I work hard at my job and I wouldn't want that to get compromised."

I thought about what he said and it made sense. But, then again, if anyone was in any kind of controversial relationship, it had to be me in the most unorthodox one yet.

"Fuck what people think Jiminie. You should be happy and that is all that should matter."

"Maybe...I don't know. And it's not like he's asked me. I don't even know if he likes me. But I'd be so shy, I just know it. He's really hot!"

I laughed at my friend. Maybe, Namjoon still had a fighting chance. And I had to deal with two idiots and an interfering boss now.



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