4 - Suspicion

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"Jin I need you to go to the commercial site to receive the models. They'll be arriving around 6 tonight. So wrap up all your work and head out by 4 as the drive is about an hour and then some," Hoseok informed Seokjin.

Seokjin just nodded. Mr Jung was dabbling in the advertising department since the Head of our Department had been fired for unknown reasons. As the boss's boyfriend he enjoyed many perks and no one questioned his authority.

As he began his day, Seokjin realised that he hadn't seen either one of the two idiots since the morning. Something was up. Where were they? This was odd behaviour from them since they usually arrived at his cubbyhole promptly at 8:30 to begin their accosting routine.

Jin looked around and saw that both their desks were clean of any work material. His suspicion growing, he knocked on Jimin's partition board to get his attention.

"Sup cutie? How may I assist you this morning," Jimin winked playfully.

"Have you seen those two idiots today?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I haven't. Come to think of it, aren't they usually hovering around you by this time?"

Seokjin pondered their absence. Oh well! At least he had some peace from their suffocating presence today. He sighed and relaxed.

"Are you perhaps missing them?" Jimin smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at Jin.

Seokjin rolled his eyes. "Yeah...when Hell freezes over!" He laughed at his own joke. Jimin smiled but didn't comment and got back to his work.

When it was time to leave, Seokjin had completely forgotten about the existence of the two idiots in his life. He happily packed up his work with a sense of relief. He was able to accomplish much when they weren't around distracting him all the time.

He drove the hour and a half drive to the site and waited for the models to arrive. He booked their rooms and one for himself as well since he would be overseeing their work the next day.

The receptionist smiled sweetly when she handed him his key card and he made his way to his room happily. He was looking forward to a good rest and a peaceful night's sleep away from the noises of the city.

He opened his door and flipped on the switch. Dang! The lights weren't working. Seokjin switched on his phone torchlight and felt along the walls until he came upon another switch. He flicked it on and the room flooded with light.

He gasped at the sight in front of him. Jeon Jungkook lay on the bed naked, save for a blanket wrapped loosely around him, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"What the fucking Hell are you doing here? Get out of my room this instant!" Jin thundered angrily.

"I wouldn't speak so loudly if I were you," a low voice behind Jin said seductively.

Jin jumped aside in shock. Taehyung stood behind him, sipping on a glass of what looked like wine. He was completely naked.

Seokjin was beside himself in anger and disbelief. This was taking their obsession to a new level and Jin was having none of this nonsense.

"If you two idiots so much as come near me, I'll scream bloody murder!" He warned them, backing himself towards the door. He tried to open it but realised there was no handle. He was trapped.

The two of them exchanged a look and smirked.

"No running away from us this time baby," Jungkook smiled devilishly, making his way with Taehyung toward Seokjin.

Jin widened his eyes in horror. They wouldn't!? Would they? They wouldn't force themselves on him?  For the first time, Jin became anxious.

He held up his hands, palms out, as the two idiots got even closer, cornering him against the door. There was no escape so Jin tried reasoning with them.

"You two know the implications of what you're doing, don't you? He looked at one to the other, trying very hard not to look down at their very exposed selves. "This is entrapment and assault. You could be in serious trouble with the law if you violate me."

Taehyung smirked. "Not if it's consensual Jinnie," he replied seductively, running a long finger down Jin's cheek to his jawline and resting it under his chin.

Jungkook leaned in and snaked an arm around Jin's slim waist, pulling him flush with his naked body. Jin visibly gulped. He started to panic inwardly.

"Lets not play anymore games Jinnie. We're all adults here. We'll give you a choice," Taehyung began. "You can either have one of us, or both but you don't have a choice to leave. You decide."

They both moved off and went to sit on the bed, watching Seokjin, who felt like a weight had been lifted off of him after their close proximity. He inhaled a long breath and watched the two idiots waiting on the bed. Taehyung sipped on his wine again and Jungkook leaned in with his mouth open, eyes never leaving Jin, waiting for Taehyung to pour some into his mouth.

Instead of pouring from the glass, Taehyung chugged some of it and leaned his mouth to Jungkook's, letting the wine fall into his mouth from his own. It was fucking sexy and Seokjin found that he couldn't take his eyes off of them.

Taehyung threw the empty glass somewhere in the room, landing on the soft carpet. He leaned in further and open-mouth kissed Jungkook, pulling his tongue and watching Seokjin for a reaction.

Seokjin didn't know when he had started walking to the bed. He felt like he was in a trance. He couldn't look away from the sight of the two men kissing each other like that. His heart was racing, his brain malfunctioning.

He was just about to lean in and take a hold of them, when his phone went off in his pocket, breaking the spell. Seokjin jumped back and Taehyung cursed loudly.

He turned away from them.

"Jimin! Yeah, no I'm fine. I'm staying overnight. I have to oversee the shoot tomorrow."

"Are they there? Just say my name and I'll know."

"Jimin....yeah I'll call you with the info in the morning."

Jimin chuckled. "Cool. Remember what I told you Jin."

"I know. I remember perfectly. Thanks Jimin. Talk to you in the morning."

Seokjin ended the call and turned around, facing the two idiots.

"Now....where were we?"


Well...well...well, what do you think will happen?  😉😉😉😉


Anyways...I'm outa here swties


Love Swty 😘

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