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Hey Lil' it's me Ally, from Philosophie Class. Hit me up as fast as you can.

Hey Ally, what's up?

I saw the picture of you with Mister Whitney online... You sure you want everyone to know... Like I don't wanna be rude but... it's kind of dangerous to post a picture online with your Teacher...

I didn't post a picture, impossible. Never ever. I grab my phone and go on Instagram. There it was.

🖤95  Nobodys

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Nobodys.thoughts: Finally Home.
Janice.Jpl: Weirdo.
Oliver_mist: Sucking Mr. Whitneys cock for an A?
Kyliesweed: One hell of a bitch

Fuck. I quickly deleted the post, but my dm's were already full with all these rude messages. What should I do? What if Eric looses his job because I posted something probably while I was high. My heart was racing and I started crying...

Hey, saw your post this morning. Meet me at the parking lot. Very irresponsible.

I couldn't text back like, how? Am I going to loose the only person that means anything to me? I am just... lost. I took some pills out of my drawer and swallowed them straight down. I put on a shirt and some sweatpants, my hair was messy and my mascara was all over the place. I wasn't attending school today. I'll meet Eric in the parking lot and then go home again. I couldn't deal with this shit in class. I can't go there ever again. That's for sure. Last I put on my sneaker and started walking. The emotions controlled my body. I felt absolutely numb. Every single cell in my body was dead. A car passed by and I was hit by a full milkshake onto the back of my head. "Fucking whore." Someone called after me and I just went on. My hair was sticky and some strawberry milkshake was dripping down my back. It didn't disgust me in that moment but it made my mood even worse... when I finally arrived at the parking lot the classes have already started. The parking lot was empty. No students were there, I couldn't see Eric as well. He must've gone to class. I sat down on his car and lit a cigarette. It gave me a bit of strength and made me a bit mire relaxed.
"Miss Lilith Ridley please come into the principles office." A speaker shouts over the whole parking lot. I decided to attend and went there. In the office there was our principle and Eric. "I am so sorry." I whisper to Eric. He looks at me and you could see how mad and sad he is. "What happened to your hair?" He asked without a tone of concern. "I... tried a new shampoo... no actually it's a milkshake." I said and sat down next to him. "Miss Ridley, I think you know why you're here. And why Mister Whitney is here as well? An explanation please." The principle sat down as well and looked me deep into my eyes. I swallowed, should I tell the truth? Or should I just try to lie. "I found a friend in Mister Whitney. He is a great teacher and..." I tried to lie but the principle interrupted me: "Miss Ridley, I already know in what context you and Mister Whitney are in currently. I am sorry but I cannot allow this at my school. You are both not allowed to study and teacher at this school anymore. I am very disappointed of you. I knew you were bad news." He looked at Eric and his eyes were drained in tears. "I am so sorry Eric." I said and reached out for his had but he looked at me and said: "Don't be." He started walking away. I chased him but he was faster. "Please Eric, give me another chance. I'll make it okay. Please." I shout over the whole floor and stopped running. "Nah. It's over. Call me when you're fucking sober. Motherfucking junkie." Wow. That hurt. I was like high as fuck but reality hit me harder than anything else.

13 missed calls, 45 messages and 9 minutes of Lilith speaking to me in my mailbox. The day I got fired is now about two weeks ago. I haven't seen Lilith since then. And it still hurts, I can't think straight. I used the pain to make some music and uploaded them up to soundcloud. But I couldn't stand it to not see her. She was the only thought that kept me awake and her clothes don't smell like her anymore. It's strange how you could love a person you don't even know yet. I decided to visit her today. I went to the jeweler and made her an own necklace, it was a little Ghost out of silver. Then I drove to her house my heart was running marathon and I was shaking. Her home wasn't really big. In fact it was smaller than my house and the neighborhood was really come down. I ringed at her home and a lady opened. She was really drunken and didn't seem to be amused: "yes, how may I help you?" She asked and sounded like she was in complete a delirium. "I would like to visit Lilith, can I come in?" I ask her. "She should be in her room, but I haven't seen her in days so maybe she's somewhere around the block. Her car's here." That didn't sound so nice. The neighborhood looked like the perfect place for real junkies. With Chrystal meth and heroin... I went up and her room was completely darkened. I turn on the light and it looks like a complete Mess. Her walls are fully covered in paintings and poems and there was a noose hanging from the ceiling... Not good. I take a look around but Lilith was not here. I take a look into the bathroom where she laid inside the bathtub. She looked like she cried a lot and her eyes where deep red, not from weed. "Lilith, can... can I come in?" I asked

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