The silence is too loud

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Lilith's POV:
It is dark. It is purely dark. I can see nothing. I can feel nothing. Everything feels numb, my hands are still tied to my back. My jaw hurts like hell and the migraine that's been chasing me for five hours, takes me back to school when the teacher carved their nails into the blackboard. That's why I spent my time in silence but it overcame me. The darkness is pressing me down into the uncomfortable wooden chair. The timelessness feels like it's gone completely. Like time never existed. It must have been like 24 hours since I saw the last light coming into my face. What are the boys doing right now?
Maybe the are high right now.They could also search for me... or maybe they're having dinner right now. It's Saturday, Ruby always brings leftovers from the restaurant when he finishes his shift. Scrim has a day off today to go into the studio. Is Scrim on Heroin at this moment? Was he always high when he talked to me? He said he needed five shots a day... That's a lot. Maybe his addiction is getting worse now. He did like me... I think. At least it felt like that. Maybe it's just how he is? No. I know Scrim long enough to know that he is generally an asshole with good intentions. Oh and I absolutely, purely miss that. Does he miss me? Does he miss that young girl who slept on his couch, that blocked the bathroom way too long. That one who cried them every night to sleep. I did cry a lot these days. I don't think someone would miss me. Or someone who is like me. I don't think he ever wanted something from me, he always separated from us. But Ruby is just a friend. He is my brother, like he said they're my family now. Were...

Violin's POV:

I am raging from the inside like a hurricane. Everything I've ever known, every quality that my so called family ever taught me. Just to get pushed into a van with some girl that's just finding her peace in New Orleans. My family stabbed me into the back with a knife to short to kill me, I am still ready to fight. Even though I'm all tied up on a chair in this dark room that doesn't allow anything to light up, I know where I am.
As a member of this... Institution I can order the smell of patchouli, gas, oil and something smokey right to the location. But that doesn't help me... except when I somehow get out of here.
All of the sudden a door swings open and lets in a bit of sunlight, enough to half blind me.
„Ladies are you having a good time?" It's my boss. Is he finally coming to get me out of here?
"I need an explanation right now." I instantly demand as the silence is being broken.
"Oh Vendetta, my flawless unique lady... You are so trivial! You want an explanation? Really! As if I owe you something. No, am I right? You owe me something. To be exact three of my best men. They're all dead. You were the head of this mission. And you failed so miserably! I can't believe I needed to get hands dirty myself." He is lying. Every single word that leaves his mouth is one big lie. It's all a big lie. There is no truth in these halls, no glory.
"I owe you shit. You're not my boss anymore. I quit! Now let me get the fuck out of here!" My words sounded pleading but actually I was mad. I had the strength of a lion at that moment so filled with anger. It almost made my head explode in the act of my inner raging. The words I put together in my head were much more hurtful, but I was not able to get them out of my mind. Still it was a member of my family. The only one I've ever known.
But even though I was still nice and almost polite to the man that cuffed me up on a hard chair, in a dark room with literally no one else in there, he just laughed. He laughed at my demands, at the willpower I was showing. My boss just barked at me: "shut the fuck up, you cannot quit. We are your family. We own your blood, your organs, your body. You do what I say and you listen to what I command. You understand that?" A sudden reflect shows up: "yes Boss. Wait... no. No. I won't and I don't." Not even half a second later a fist finds it's way into my face and I hear my nose crack. He knew what he did. The punch was short and destined. It was silent and an untrained person would probably or well with a good chance knock out at the force the fist hit my face. But it worked, I went silent. The slim man that is in his mid 50's is turning around. His suit is as always perfectly fitting and his designer shoes just match the whole appearance. He leans forward and looks at something. A quite sobbing filled the room. Is that Lilith? Has she been in here the whole time?
He lifts her head up with two fingers: "young lady? Where is your phone?"
A wimpy cry came from the left side of the hall: „I... I don't know... I don't have it with me I guess. I must've lost it somewhere."
An angry grind comes out of his mouth, everything feels deeply drained in the inner screams, this man must be shouting right now.
All of the sudden it hit me. The idea. The one thing that could save me. My boss's words still shatter through my head: „We own your blood, your organs, your body..." if I can pay him I might be able to leave.
I don't have any money, I've been working for him since I was a kid but... I never saw money. I just got a small apartment from time to time a ride into a new city with a new home, new identity and these military food packages that someone dropped off at my home once a week. I had nothing. No clothes, no home, no food and no life. Nothing is belonging to me. Like the boss always said, a nobody owns nothing. And in the files of the government I am a nobody. Just a citizens that must've gone lost some day.
It could work. I might come out here alive.
One day.

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