Hope is lost.

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Scrim's POV:
It knocked. The sound of the wooden door was like a bullet that killed the silence. We haven't left the house in days or weeks. It was depressing. No one has heard of Lil, no one has seen something from her. Nothing. We were chasing something that doesn't want to be chased. In my head I want her to have left. Left for Eric. I don't care anymore. I just want her not to be dead. I would do everything to know that she is alive. In my imagination she took a bus to LA to meet Ghoste and get back into his fucked up life. But in real life there is a huge chance that she just got rolled on by a gang. They probably pointed a gun at her and took her with them or shot her right on the spot. Or they took her as a little sex toy...
That would be worse to her than being shot...
I habe talked to her a lot when she was sad about Ghoste. She is such a generous person and so clean. Such honesty and still so broken. She told me everything, how broken she really was. She believes that her body is haunted because she experiences so much pain during her lifetime... From childhood to now she experienced more than her age can allow her to. And being rolled on by a gang, it's common.
I mean things like that happen. Especially in 7th ward, where no one is safe from the gangs, from the violence. Everyone is oppressed by the gangs. Even when your a part of them.
Another knock: "yeaah I'm coming." My body is hovering over the floor to the door.
The door swing open and all I see is a bouquet of flowers. Two tattooed hands are wrapped around the end of the bouquet, I know those hands...
"She's not here." I say in annoyance and let the door fall back into the lock. Wait... if she is not with him... maybe he knows more...
"I... I want to see her, I gotta apologize to her. Please let me in." Erics voice sounds desperate. He is literally sobbing for help. I can't let him out there. Despite my hate for him, I need him. I need him to find her. She is alive she can't be dead...
"Let 'em in" a sad ruby growls up from the corner. He is just as sad as I am. We have stopped searching after days of finding nothing. Since then we lived from take away food and slept on the couch and even made her a tea every morning just to make sure that if she came, it felt homely. Now the full teacups populate the coffee table. I open the door and let him in. Eric looks good. His eyes are clear and he put on his best clothes. "You look good man. Aight we gotta tell you somethin'" I sat right infront of him and looked down.
He immediately sat down and became angry: "I just hope for your life that I didn't make ma way from fucking LA for you to tell me that you fucked ma girl." His attitude doesn't fit my mood. Even though I could just shout at him, punch him and tell him that everything he did led to her being prolly pretty fuckin dead right now. But I remain calm.
"Slow bro. I didn't fuck your girl, even though I could've." I lied, I couldn't. We were close but not that close. She was open but not that open. Even though sometimes it felt like we both wanted. When we laid in the brownish grass behind the house and her eyes were filled up with her salty tears, we could've and I was sure it would be beautiful. But we didn't.
"Lemme continue before your punk ass is commin ma way. Lil got rolled on. At least that's what I think." My words fill the room like warm water up to the ceiling. Ghostes head slowly turned into the color of the sunset behind him: "you mean she got fuckin hit by a car? Where is she? Is she dead? Is she in the hospital?" You could she the concern on his face and the wish to just numb the pain with a hand full of pills. I shake ma head: "You 'on't know what being fuckin rolled on means? Ha rich kid. I mean she prolly got rolled on by a gang. Not sure but she's been gone for quite some time now.. Since her birthday to be exact." I look to the ground.
Ghostes eyes fill up with tears: "since her Birthday? That was 2 months ago...
She... she is dead... I know it."

Two knocks. Agressive knocks. Harsh knocks and fast. The ones you hear from a person in absolute danger. From someone who is being chased. Lilith. We run to the door and just pull the person into the house and I push the door back into it's frame.
It is not her...
"V?" I ask and look in desperate need. Her clothes are wet and muddy. She still drips ans smells like she took a bath in Lake Pontchartrain. On the side of her ribs is a red stain slowly spreading across the fabric. "Oh hell V what happened? We gotta get you to the hospital!" I hurry while Ruby got a towel and something warm to cover her freezing body.
She simply shakes her head, her stare is not as glorious and cute as usual. Her stare is death, that's a pure killer in her eyes, the militaristic aura took up every inch of her body and it makes it so fuckin attractive. I saw this in her the first second I saw her and now it's taking over. "No." She interrupts my thoughts "you cannot bring me there. They won't find files to my identity, it's too obvious. I have to go again. But I came here to give you the coordinates where Lilith is. Or at least there where she was yesterday." She hands me a small note with an address, it's in Downtown Nola. I know that street. "I gotta go." She hurries again to the entrance and I just grab her by her arm, pull her to my warm heating body and pull her into a kiss. Maybe a forced one but I had to. She looks too good. Just her aura makes me feel like all I want is her. She looked at me and gave me a punch in my face. She looks like an angel and punches like a man. Good chance she broke my jaw but it was worth it. "Fucking asshole, please don't come and find me.
But if you do please do that again." She whispers in an erotic voice into my ear and gently bites the corner of my earlobe. Fuck that was hot.
Ruby looks at my with a grind on his face and the second I turn around she was gone.
I look at the note and then to Eric. "Let's go."

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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