Burn Baby Burn

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I watched as the bodies burned before me, wiping away any evidence that I was ever here. I stared into the fire as it consumed everything in its path.

A part of me felt guilty. It always did. How could I not? I did horrible things and there was no excuse for it. Of course it was usually to people that deserved it, but there was no doubt that innocent lives were lost in the process. Collateral damage.

Sirens blared into the night and I quietly turned, grabbing my things and disappearing into the night.


I walked through the chilly winter nights of Moscow, watching as my breath fogged in front of me. It was a cold and dark night, but for some reason my heart felt colder. I turned the corner and approached the tall building in front of me, sighing as I entered.

Natalia greeted me and I gave her a small smile. She was like me. If anyone had asked me who amongst the girls in my class were my friend, it would undoubtedly be her. We never exchanged more than a few words, but it was still the most I had ever engaged in conversations during my years here.

For a brief moment I wondered if my life could be different. What if my parents were here. Would I be showered with love every day. Could I be loved....

I sat in my room, the solitude was deafening. I gazed at the embers burning in the fireplace. In annoyance I stood and hastily put out the fire.

It was too much for me right now. I used to like watching the fire burn into the night. I made a mental note to add this to the list of things I had a dislike for because now it only served as a reminder of the family I let burn.

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