Eugene Roe ~ One Last Time (Part 2)

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Your hands moved to fiddling with his uniform, straightening some wrinkles and brushing off stray dirt. "But that's okay, right?"

Eugene wrapped his arms around your waist. "You're okay with this?"

"'Course I am. Are you?"

Eugene said nothing, his hands moving to hold your face. He studied your features, memorizing them in case (god forbid) you ever went missing again.

When he kissed you, you were absolutely sure nothing else would feel as good. Sure, they'd probably come close. But they would never amount to how lighthearted you felt right now. 

The Easy men seemed to take to lightly teasing you and Eugene about finally being a couple. You found it amusing, while Eugene shyly ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck. It was endearing, really.

"At least he has a girlfriend; I can't say much for you guys, though." you would shoot back with a lighthearted laugh.


You didn't know what happened. Where were you? 

Your vision was blurry, and all you could see was the gray sky above you, trees dotting the edges of your line of sight. Snowflakes fell softly onto your face as you lay there, trying to gather your bearings. You heard nothing besides the ringing in your ears, everything was drowning in the high-pitched sound.

All of a sudden, everything came rushing back at you all at once.

You remembered walking through the forest to your foxhole in Bastogne, the snow crunching under your boots. You remembered almost making it to your foxhole, then...nothing. 

You gingerly sat up, pain shooting all through your body. Even taking a breath hurt. When you had sat up fully, you looked down and all you could see was red. Blood. Blood soaking the white snow, dirtying it like war dirtied the hands of men.

Ohhh, you had been hit by the exploded tree when a bomb went off.

Looking closer, you saw that a large piece of tree was lodged in your leg. Then you saw the reason why it hurt to breathe. There was another bit of tree stuck in your side.

You almost passed out then, knowing you would never be the same when you recovered. That is, if you recovered. You didn't even know if you were going to die right then and there.

"MEDIC!" you cried as loud as you could. "MEDIC!" 

Seconds later, as if you had magically summoned him, Eugene and Lipton came bursting through the trees and slid to a stop by your side.

When Eugene saw you, his heart shattered into a million pieces. You, the love of his life, were lying on the snow in a growing pool of your own blood. 

Am I too late?

"(Y/N). Stay with me. You're gonna be okay." his calming voice almost made you believe it. 

You could feel your last breath in your lungs coming closer, the last heartbeat fast approaching one beat at a time. He was fussing with his supplies, applying some and wrapping others. He avoided your gaze, knowing that if he saw your face, your beautiful face, marred by pain and shrapnel and months of battle, he would break down and he wouldn't be able to save you.

"Come on, (Y/N), don't close your eyes. Keep them open for me." he pleaded. You struggled to lift your arm to hold his face, so you opted to put it on his leg instead.

"Eugene." you rasped out. "Eugene, baby. Look at me."

He finally met your gaze, tears running down his cheeks. Mustering the last of your strength, you raised your hand and held his face one last time.

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