The Switcher

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Not technically based on Roman. But this is like the Prequel of 'Two Halves'. But sorta a different way the king split?

TW: Unsympathetic! King, insults, Corruption creation, corrupted advice, etc.

The young king ignored the logical trait's pleas. He sharpened his sword and polished his shield.

"You should show less emotion, logic" The King growled, "All you should be is just a stupid robot who only spouts facts!"

"It is illogical for me to do so!" Logan stated, "As illogical as you to separate The Switcher!"

The king pointed his sharp sword at Logan's throat. The logical side stepped back. 

"I can easily slay you with my sword, so I suggest you should do the logical thing and get out of my way!"

Logan scowled and crossed his arms. The king made his way to the last room. A room with painted clouds on it's door. It constantly changed, switching from day to night, from a clear sky to a stormy sky.

Romulus pushed the door open. The Switcher sat at a writing desk, dipping a quill into ink. 

"I hear about your plan," Romulus growled. The Switcher calmly put the quill into the inkwell and swivelled his chair to face the arrogant side.

"Splitting would be the best case scenario for you, actually," The being calmly replied, brushing any stray bits of his dark hair behind an ear. The Switcher's mismatched eyes felt like they were burning the young King's eyes.

The King scowled and looked away.

"Since your plan is ever so helpful.. I've decided to test it out on you!"

The Switcher stood up quickly, his capelet coat turning to a dull aqua. His eyes glittered with a indescribable rage.

"I AM the reason you've stayed together this long, being as toxic as you are! It is my DUTY to split you!"

The King slashed with the sword. The sword hit the being, causing it to shake violently. The Switcher screamed, pain engulfing all his senses.

A young teenage boy split from the left side, and a shapeless gloop split from the right of the being. 

The young teenage boy wore a rainbow shirt, rainbow pearl dangly earrings, an aqua capelet coat and blue sweatpants. He had small floating angel wings behind him. He blinked and looked around. He saw the king, and a determined looked replaced his confused face. The gloop seemed to have the same thought. The rushed towards the table.

The King bolted for them, but was a split second to late. The 'split' document was signed by the two creatures. 

The king head got an aching headache, he knew this form of splitting was slow and painful. He screamed a curse at the two radically different beings before staggering out of the room.

The Purifier turned to his new counterpart, The Corrupter. They did not feel like brothers or any special hatred either. It was a strange feeling. Like they would never feel complete again. The Corrupter sunk away, leaving the teenager to only wonder if the King deserved to suffer the pain they'd experienced.

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