Then, I see him he leaves the hotel running towards us the girls are shielding in front of me, and insulting him. He's starting to lose his temper, I know because he must have run his hand through his hair at least 10 times in 2 minutes.

H: Vicky, my love, please let me explain you will laugh when you'll know!

V: I have nothing to say to you, Mister Styles, have a good of stay at our hotel. I hold the others in my arms, I' gonna miss them.

H: V, please. He takes my arm.


H: Vicky!

V: Harry!

I leave for my car. The girls follow me. While I am sitting in the passenger seat, I am in no condition to drive. I see him crying, then knocks on the wall of the hotel, usually someone who does that I find it sexy, but here I find him just stupid, he will broke his hand.


I have two really golden friends, they are staying with me, since the Kendall episode, for my part I managed not to watch the massages he sent me or to answer his calls, Niall, text and call me often to get news, I think he called me 10 times in 2 days. He's the only one in the gang with whom I agree to speak. Losie is ancient history, Rosie loves Liam, but as a brother, not as a potential lover. Jayn, they are doing very well, Zayn is very nice and accepts the fact that I am not able to speak to him, but he even takes news. Louis, and the others  tryed to defend Harry when it happened like, he said : it's true it's not what you think. He was trying to tell me something but I stopped them. So I never knew what they wanted to say to me. It may be better that way, in short, they are leaving today, I'm supposed to go to the airport with the girls, but I won't get into this one I'll stay in the car and watch them go from afar , I don't want to see him it hurts too much.


We're at the airport, they just entered this one, the girls too. My phone vibrates. Niall's face appears.

V: Niall, I'm fine, I just don't want to see him.

N: Hello, Vic, believe me I know, but we have a problem ... he doesn't want to leave you without  have spoken to you.

V: You're fucking kidding me, no way I'm talking to Harry. It's over.

N: Vic, please, he'll miss the plane.

V: ... well ... ok ... pass him to me.

N: Thank you, you save our lives Vic.

Niall and I got really close, we are friends and it's as if we had always known each other.

V: Yeah, that's it.

H: Vicky?

V: Harry !?

H: Vicky, I swear it's not what you think, baby I would never do such a thing to you ...

I don't give him time to finish.

V: Harry, get on this fucking plane.

H: No, I have to see you, I have to explain, but not on the phone.

V: Harry, no, I'm not even at the airport.- I lie.

H: I know you're lying, I saw you when we entered.

V: Ok, but I don't want to see you anymore, get on this plane, Harry.

H: No! Not before I saw you.

Well, I would not persist long, so I get out of the car.

V: I'm coming, but I warn you nothing will change. It's over Harry!

H: I know! -He is discouraged I can hear him by his voice.

When I arrive at their boarding gate, I see him.

V: Okay, here I am you see me explain me quickly so you can leave afterwards.

H: V, I lied to you, you're right on that, but not on my feelings, nor on Kendall ...

He beckons someone to approach.

I turn and I think I am dreaming, no, seriously another Harry ... He has a twin no, but what the hell is that.

Harry's twin introduces himself.

-Hello, my name is James Styles, I'm Harry's brother, and Kendall's boyfriend.

She is there too.

K: Sorry, for the word Baby, we call it that, in our little group!

V: Yeah, well you could have thought about it before ..

She's so stupid seriously.

H: So, you see, my darling I was not cheating on you, I love you. Please V, forgive me.

V: Harry, I need time, I have to think about this! I know you haven't cheated on me and I'm glad you did, but I need time. You know, you are you, and i'm just... me.

At the intercom, the lady reminds us that this is the last boarding in the direction of Vancouver.

V: Well go ahead, you will miss your plane if it continues like that!

H: Kiss me!

I give him a hug and kiss him on both cheeks I know he wants more and me too, but for the moment I can't, however he refused to let me go, he holds me in his arms as if his life depended on it, so I raise my head to him and give him a light kiss on the mouth.

H: I love you never forget it.

V: Goodbye, as soon as I have made my decision I will let you know.

H: Okay, goodbye.

He looks really sad, but at least he's getting on the planes. I know I will take him back after all he has done nothing wrong and I love this man. However, I really have to take time for myself, our story is just beginning.

The Shift That Change My Life. [H.S.][English version]Where stories live. Discover now