Chapter 22

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Okay, I have no idea what to call this chapter. So it's just chapter 22.

Chapter 22 Aelin:

My breaths were coming in short bursts of rage. After Elain left I didn't go away. I walked up to Lucien.

"You might be thinking that this is all that's going to happen to you. After all, I just promised Elain I wouldn't hurt you. But guess what! I lied. And now she's gone and I don't have to worry about an audience."

I pulled out another dagger and traced an A over his chest. "I have... bad memories of people like you. Both my friends and I have dealt with many arrogant males who think they can take what they want." He tried to move but I dug the knife deeper. "Uh uh uh. Don't try and get ahead of yourself here. We wouldn't want things to get worse than they already are." He stilled and I laughed. "You see, I have a sadistic side. But with my role as queen... well, I haven't had much chance to let it out." I bared my teeth and he whimpered. I gave another low laugh.

"Oh such irony! A couple minutes ago you had a defenseless girl against a wall, using your Fae heritage as some kind of entitlement. Look how the tables have turned!"

I didn't give any warning as I dug the dagger deeper and cut through his flesh, successfully carving an A.

"Let this be a warning. That A could stand for many things. Arrogance, Asshole, or Aelin, to show you owe me for not killing you."

There was blood running down the hilt of the dagger and it reached my hand. I licked it off. "Bye bye!"

Then I left him there.

I tried to calm myself down but it didn't work.

As soon as I entered the room Rowan bolted upright "What the hell did you do now!?"

"Nothing~" I went into the bathroom and washed the rest of the blood off. Then I dunked my head under the freezing water. "Ahh that's better."

"Aelin," Rowan growled. "What. Did. You. Do?"

"You'll find out later."

"Please tell me you didn't kill anyone."

I lay down in the bed with a sigh. "No. I didn't kill anyone." Unless he bled out but he was Fae and should be able to heal himself.

"Aelin," he warned. "I know your looks. So tell me right now, what did you do?"

"Fine. That bastard Lucien was about to hurt Elain, so I... gave him a warning."

"Lucien? You do know we are living in their house right? If we anger them we'll be at the disadvantage."

"Nah, Feyre made a deal with me. These people are all about deals."

He sighed. "Just go to bed and don't cause any more trouble."


The next morning we awoke to a scream.

Everyone rushed out but I just smirked. Sounded like someone found Lucien.

I waltzed over to find Feyre frantically checking him over. Elain was in the back with a horrified expression.

"Who did this!" Feyre gelled. Then she looked at me. "You. You did this didn't you?"

I grinned and made a point of mulling over the question. "Yes, I suppose I did."

"But why?"

As she started rattling off questions I looked him over. His arm appeared to be broken, but the wound on his chest had healed over. But there was a clearly visible A shaped scar.

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