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Chapter 17 Aelin:

We spent ages strategizing. We had no idea who was the leak from our side, but we knew about Feyre's. They told us all about Tamlin and Ianthe, what their weaknesses and strengths are. But something Ianthe said kept getting my attention. I didn't want to say anything until I was completely sure though.

Rowan, on the other hand, seemed to have a different idea. "What is it Aelin? I know you're figuring something out."

I shot him a glare. Damn you.

He smirked. I know your expressions Aelin.

I wasn't going to say anything until I was sure.

Too bad.

Feyre was watching us with an expression of 'what the heck?' written in her face.

I sighed. "Something Ianthe said seems a little off. She mentioned her uncle, saying he was the one with a grudge against us. So I'm assuming she isn't in charge of this thing, but merely the decoy. They probably thought to apprehend us and that's why she risked talking. Otherwise she probably would have let us think she was the mastermind behind it all, while in truth it was someone else."

Rows smiled proudly, while Feyre shook her head.

"Ianthe would be that cunning, but I don't think she would have thought that all by herself. I've experienced her tricks, and while she would do this, I feel like it isn't her plan," Feyre tapped her hand against the table in thought. "But if it's as you say, and there's someone else behind this, then they probably came up with the plan, giving it enough cunning to fit Ianthe's personality. So I agree with you Aelin."

She could have just said that in the first place, but who was I to judge?

Rowan, yet again, seemed to realize I still had more to say. "Do you have any idea who it is?"

"This might not be connected, but when Feyre and I were asking questions about the world, the man gave me a drawing of the symbol that represents Erawail." I pulled it out of my pocket where I had been keeping it safe. I spread it out on the table and Rowan gasped. "Exactly. A wyrdstone collar. Something obviously isn't right. We destroyed all of them in our world, and how did they even get to Erawail in the first place?"

Feyre raised her hand. "I think I'm missing something here."

I sighed. I forgot she didn't know everything we did. As I was explaining I heard Fenrys come in and talk to Rowan, but I ignored him. When I was finally finished explaining, Feyre's face was pale. To explain the Wyrdstone collar, I had to explain the Valg, which led to Erawan and Maeve, which led to the war and everything it entailed. Obviously I didn't tell her everything about the war, just the basics of what monsters Erawan possessed.

"So you see," I concluded. "This is bad. Erawan is dead, but somehow these collars of his are still being made. That means that somehow either he's still alive, or an infected person crossed to this world."

We talked some more, until gradually we grew too tired to continue, I knew I could stay awake if I really wanted to, but we needed to rest to be prepared for any situation. Once we neared our room I asked Rowan a question. "What were you talking to Fenrys about? I have something I need to tell him." Even though I wasn't completely sure, and I didn't want to get his hopes up, he had the right to hear what I thought.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Something was bothering him, and I think he went out into the city to fix it. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon."

Oh. I'll just tell him tomorrow then.

We stayed silent as we made our way back to our room. I tried to think of who could be behind all this, but to no avail. Then I tried thinking of who could be the leak, but that was even harder. People either loved me or hated me with no inbetween. Sure I had a lot of enemies, but I didn't think any of them were powerful enough to bypass our castle's wards, and manage to use Wyrdmarks to create a portal.

Rowan leaned over and tucked me under his arm. "Just rest Aelin. Think tomorrow."

"You know that's impossible."

He sighed. "I know, but you should try. You need rest. Your body needs to become accustomed to all the power."

I didn't have anything to say to that, so I just kissed him and closed my eyes.

And once sleep claimed me, an idea started to form.


Arlin' idea had made sense. Ianthe definitely wasn't smart or powerful enough to have been the one to kidnap Suriel, so the thought that there was someone else behind it made sense. And the Wyrdstone collars... I had been a fool thinking Aelin hadn't been through war, underestimating her at every moment.

She had dealt with so much more than I had. And I knew she wasn't telling me the whole story. What I heard was enough though. If we were facing off against the same things she had mentioned then we were in big trouble. And if there was a combination of the creatures from both of our worlds... things would get bad.

As I headed to my room I shared with Rhys, which was much more spacious in our new house, I ran into Azriel.

He was just standing in the middle of the hallway with a dazed look on his face.

"Oh crap Azriel I'm sorry!" I made sure he was okay then shot him a quizzical look. "What were you doing standing in the hall like that? Didn't you hear me coming?"

He shook his head as if to get rid of his thoughts. "Sorry, it's just... I don't know how to explain it."

"That's fine, I understand." As I walked away something in his scent caught my attention. But I kept cool until I was out of his sight, then bolted for my room as fast as I could. I threw open the door to find Rhys already in bed,

"What's got you so excited?" He sat up with a smirk.

I shrieked and might have jumped up and down "AZRIEL'S GOT A MATE!"

Rhys looked shocked. His mouth moved but no sound came out.

"A-are you sure?"

I nodded gleefully. Yep! He looked a little put out, so when he said it was fine I just had to make sure he was telling the truth. And now I know why! He has a mate Rhys!"

He held up his hands. "Calm down. If he didn't mention it to you then he probably doesn't want anyone to know."

"Yeah yeah, but who could it be? Is it someone we know? Is he finally over Mor? Eek!" It had been so long since I could play matchmaker. I couldn't find someone for Mor in public since nobody else knew, and even if they did Mor didn't appreciate my attempts. Nesta and Cassain had been dating for 2 months now, so they were out. Amren had Varian, and Elain wasn't ready for a relationship. I had thought about Azriel, but I thought he still loved Mor, and I didn't want to push him.

From his expression I couldn't tell if he was happy with this change. I wouldn't let on that I knew, but I would be watching.

I sat down next to Rhys, who pulled me onto his lap. "Don't you have better things to do then play matchmaker?"

All amusement left my face. He was right. I should be worrying about Suriel, finding ways to get him back.. "Sorry, you're right. I should be focused on Suriel."

He propped his chin on the top of my head. "No, I'm sorry. You deserve a break. And it's good to see you happy despite the circumstances."He wrapped his arms around me and I felt content.

As long as I was with him I was fine. We sat there in silence, praying our son was all right and dreading the horrors we knew we would soon face.

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