I know you.

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Chapter 13 Aelin:

No. How was this possible? He had died. I had seen him die. And he had recognized the coins from Feyre's land. If he was truly who I thought it was, he shouldn't know that.

I brought myself back to reality. "I'm fine," I told Fenrys, and hugged him.

He still looked worried, smiled anyways. I stepped back and surveyed my court. Just as the portal began to close, two more people flew out of it, hitting Lorcan and causing him to fall on his face.

"Thanks," Manon said, sweeping to her feet and offering a hand to Dorian. Then she turned and faced us. She opened her mouth, but Dorian beat her to it.

"Why the frick would you leave without us? We were like 2 minutes away! When we saw that portal closing we thought we were too late!" He scowled at us. I had no idea why they were here, but the others looked ashamed.

Rowan spoke, "Sorry Dorian. We couldn't have known how close you were, and we weren't going to waste any time we had." Then he stepped forward and hugged him. These past years they had become good friends. "But it worked out anyway! We're all here now."

Manon surveyed Feyre and her friends. "Who are they?"

Feyre smiled. "This is my court. Rhys, Mor, Azriel, and Cassian." She looked at Rhys with an unspoken question.

"Amren is back at night court."

Manon didn't look impressed. "What the hell is night court?"

"They're from a different dimension," I explained. Everybody looked confused, but Feyre quickly had a solution.

"Let's all go to night court. Once we're there Celaena and I will explain everything."

Rowan shot me a questioning glance. Celaena?

Just go with it. She doesn't know who I am.

He rolled his eyes but nodded. Then we heard a muffled noise. "Manon you're still standing on me. Get the hell off right now." We all looked over to see that Manon was indeed still standing on Lorcan. She smirked but stepped off him. Elide knelt beside him.

"Are you okay Lorcan?"

"Yes." He hissed. "Don't mind me, just talk with your new friends."

Elide failed to look hurt, and stared at him until his scowl turned into a grin. "Okay fine. Manon isn't that heavy. I'm fine."

With that, we all followed Feyre into her portal and entered the night court.

My eyes immediately went to the small woman pacing before the portal. She looked happy as she beheld Fyere, but when she saw us the light dimmed from her eyes.

Her silver eyes.

I stalked forward and within seconds had my blade against her throat. "You. You bitch!" I hissed and called her many more names, but she just smiled.

Feyre and her court looked horrified, and mine were just confused. But then Rowan's nostrils flared as her scent and eyes made him remember that day.

"Hello Aelin," She purred.

I replied equally lethal. "Hello Deanna."

Now it was Feyre's court's turn to be confused, and mine to be horrified. Rowan stood next to me and growled. "I have no idea how you are here, but know this. I remember that day, and I will never forgive you for what you did to my mate."

Her grin dropped and sadness flooded her face. "I'm sorry for all of it. I will explain more later, but for now you only need to know this. Some of us regretted it. We didn't think it was fair what was asked of you. We worked together and recreated your power." With that, she lay her hand on my forehead and whispered, "This will hurt."

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