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Chapter 16 Fenrys:

The next day while Aelin and Feyre discussed tactics, Azriel brought me to his office.

He sat down and spoke, "Do you remember where you used to live?"

I thought back. It was somewhere on the Rainbow, but I couldn't remember the street. "I'm sorry. It's been centuries since I've even thought about this place. All I remember is that it was definitely somewhere on the Rainbow."

Azriel nodded. "I can work with that. What can you tell me about your parents?"

"My father was a warrior. He fought in the war, but he isn't an Illyrian. My mother was a shopkeeper, but also sometimes helped with stealth missions." I never really loved my father, he was always away, and never had time to bond with his sons. My mother, on the other hand, was kind and cared for us deeply. I loved her more than I loved anyone, even Connall. "My father was Dyanf (I literally just punched my keyboard) Moonbeam, and my mother was Sylvia Moonbeam."

Azriel pulled out a stack of papers. "Well, there's a chance that if your father was a warrior then he might have fought in the recent war. This is a list of names of the participants. I'll only have to look for the Fae names so the list will be much shorter than it looks, as most of the fighters were Illyrians." He turned serious, or more serious than he usually was. "But I have to warn you, this list doesn't show casualties. So even if your father fought for us, I won't know if he survived."

I swallowed then nodded. While he looked, I tried to remember what each of them looked like. My mother had looked like me, blond hair, onyx eyes. My father, on the other hand, looked more like Connall. They had the same black hair and we both got our warrior build from him, but his eyes were dark blue.

"Aha!" Azriel held up a paper. "Found it! Dyanf Moonbeam fought on the west side of the battle. He lives at this address." Azriel slid the paper towards me so I could read the address.

"Thank you. If I'm not needed here, I'll go, and I'll be back by nightfall at the latest." I don't know why I felt the need to explain myself to him, but I did. I shoved those thoughts away. I had more important things to think about. I stood up and left the room. I found Aelin deep in conversation with Feyre, so I went to Rowan instead. "Am I needed here?" I asked, trying not to sound like it mattered.

"No. You go do something to help whatever is in your mind," I must have looked surprised, so he clarified. "I can tell your thinking about something. I've known you for years Boyo."

I scowled at the nickname, but shrugged it off. I walked out trying to look like I didn't have a care in the world. Even though I could feel Rowan's gaze searing into my back.

And for some reason I was glad Azriel wasn't there to see it.


I stood with one hand raised to knock, staring at the wood of the door. It was just as I remembered it. Pull yourself together Fenrys! I took a deep breath, and gave 3 firm knocks against the hardwood. As minutes passed with no reply, I felt relieved and disappointed as I realized no one was there. Just as I turned to leave, the door opened.

"Hello?" A familiar voice asked. As I was hit with her scent of cherries, I almost fell to the ground.

I turned and faced her, my jaw trembling slightly. "Hello mother."

Her face paled, and she stared at me for what seemed like forever. Finally she replied with her voice hoarse. "Come in."

She led me to the sitting room, which hadn't changed a bit in the 150 years I had been away. I settled onto my old favorite chair. She noticed the movement, the chair I chose, and her body began to shake.

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