Searching for answers

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Chapter 3 Aelin:

I lay on my bed and wondered what Rowan was doing now. He was probably going crazy trying to find me, but he's the king so he has to stay in charge. I wondered what he thought when he woke up last night alone.

Then a terrible thought hit me. This would remind him of... her. Maeve. Oh no. He would be panicking right now, remembering when he couldn't find me and I was in trouble. And our kids are missing too.


I needed to find a way to get my court here, and soon. But first I needed to get some more information about this place.


A couple hours later I stumbled into the room again and screamed into my pillow. Nothing. I had learned absolutely nothing. No, there hadn't been any sightings of two girls, one silver one gold, or a boy. No, there wasn't anything amiss. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

That left one option. I glanced out the window to see that it was dark outside. Time to creep around and see for myself.

Earlier I had bought a bunch of black clothing, so I quickly changed into that. I had three daggers and goldryn as my weapons. I didn't want anyone seeing me leave, so I slipped out the window and crawled up onto the roof. From there on out I jumped from roof to roof looking for anything out of the ordinary. With my fae senses I tried to scent my children but couldn't catch their scents. I was just about to turn back for the night when I caught an out of place smell.

Fear. But it wasn't from Nehemia, Lyria, or Sam. No, it smelled like fear from someone of night.

Strange. Maybe they were related to this. Then a thought struck me.

What if more children then only mine were taken. This could be someone else who got kidnapped.

I shook my head, Jumping to conclusions didn't help anyone. But just to be sure I crept closer to the smell, trying to pick up any other scents. There were to others, male and annoyed. I looked around and followed their scents until they just stopped.

This was a mystery for tomorrow then. By the time I got back to my room in the cobblestone side I was exhausted.

I was just about to fall asleep when I remembered something. That scent, the one of night, and the others, were the same scents I from before when I first landed here. And now that I looked back on it, something was off about the entire thing.

Oh something was definitely wrong.


Since nobody in this place seemed inclined to help me out and answer my questions I decided I needed to find out for myself. I told the innkeeper I would be back soon, and left the inn. Just as I was about to turn the corner away from the inn I felt a need to turn around, so I did.

There was a figure clad in black slipping through an open window into a room. She smelled of fire and power.

Strange. Maybe she was related to what was happening, maybe not. Either way I would think about it later. Now was time to try and find Suriel.

Once I was certain nobody was looking my way, I found a fire escape and used it to climb onto a roof. Once there I again scented the strange scent of fire mixed with pine and snow. Since I didn't have any leads I decided to follow it. I jumped from roof to roof until the scent stopped. And I was hit with another.

Suriel. My son. That was his scent from the sidewalk. But it was only there. Like he appeared and disappeared again. Somehow this fire person had found him.

Oh she was definitely involved with this. 

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