Kind of a Filler

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This chapter is going to be a lot shorter than normal because I just wanted to get something done. While I have the ending of the story planned, as in who lives and dies, I haven't really planned how the actual battle will go. I had everything to the last chapter planned out, but now I'm figuring it out. So hopefully it'll be okay. I'm still in shock over how many reads and votes this story has!

Chapter 33 Aelin:
After I had gotten Chaol's daughter to the witches we talked strategy. We eventually decided that Yrene would come with us to meet the high court while Chaol remained and prepared the army. We were just about to leave when I realized something important.
"Wait. This might not be a good idea."
Nobody else had gotten to the conclusion yet. "I just remembered something. Whenever Rowan and I are separated by the portals the mating bind is silent and faint. I know that you guys are human, but there is one other bond that might be affected."
Yrene's face paled. "Oh thank Silba you remembered that. This could have been a completed disaster."
Dorian still looked confused so I elaborated. "Their lives are bound together. If I remember correctly it was the price she paid to keep Chaol from dying. If one dies so does the other. But because their life forces are tied together, I'm thinking that if Yrene goes through the portal without him and the bond all but disappears, they'll both die."
"Holy shit. Man I was thinking portals were cool, but not anymore."
Yrene sat down. "There's no way I'm risking it. Not if Chaol could die."
He nodded. "We'll stay here for now."
"Okay. How about I bring Feyre and Rhysand here instead?" I had already explained who everyone was.
He nodded. "Alright, that works. You can take your time."
I pushed Doris towards them. "You stay here a hang out. Have fun, or help them out, I don't really care."
"Are you sure Aelin? ....Aelin? AELIN!"
By that time I was already halfway to the ground. All three faces peered out the window at me and I smirked. This was fun.
I waved to all the guards I passed, and laughed at te confusion on their faces. When I was far enough I created another portal and stepped through. My energy was draining fast, despite the way I was acting. I would probably need Feyre to make the next portal.
I got back to the zone of screaming and laughter. Interesting.
I bolted around the corner to find Cassian to be the source of the screeching as he ran away from... was that Abraxos? I guess Rowan had gotten him. Manon was the one laughing freely, and the others were trying their best not to.
Cassian was the first to spot me.
Aelin! Thank god you're back! Please get this thing to stop chasing me!"
I looked between them and shook my head. "Nope."
"Huh?! Why not? Please?"
"Nah I'm not getting between him and what he wants. And he's only playing, just stop runnng and let him get to know you."
"Are you crazy?! He's going to rip me apart!"
He continued running as Abraxos got closer. I walked to the entrance of the house. "Alright, you guys have fun."
"Hey wait!"
I was already inside. Rowan hugged me. "I'm glad you're safe. How'd it go?"
I plopped into a chair. "Pretty well actually, they agreed to help us. But what's with Cassian and Abraxos?"
He chuckled. "Well I brought him back for Manon, and after a while waiting for you, Cassian got bored and went outside. He must have interested Abraxos because the next thing we knew they were running around. He's been like that for at least 10 minutes."
"Yeah I can see that happening. Anyways, where are Feyre and Rhysand?"
"In the study. But knock first, who knows what they're doing in there."
I was about to make a snarky comment until I realized he was right. Luckily they were just working.
"Well guys, I need you to come with me to meet Chaol and Yrene."
"Okay! It'll be cool to see your world."
Well that was easy.
"I've already made a bunch of portals today, you guys do some work for once."
Couldn't let them know I was tired.
Before we left I made sure to fill everyone in on what had happened, and Rowan did the same. Then we were on our way.

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