The walking dead

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Chapter 8 Aelin:

I couldn't believe that this strange Fae believed me when I said only my mate was Fae. I was sure that she would connect my children being Fae and difficult pregnancies to me being Fae. How dumb was she? It could all be an act, but it didn't seem that way. But I had her word that she would help me save my children and that was all I needed. We were currently at a library searching for any mention of Wyrdmarks. I had explained in as little detail as possible what they were to Feyre. I didn't need her knowing everything. This gave me an edge over this deal.

I may be going a little harsh, but I would gladly ruin my reputation to keep my court and family safe. "Have you found anything?" I asked Feyre, who was looking through a large pile of books.

She sighed. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

I was finished with my pile, so I got up to search for more. I delved deeper into the large piles, going farther into the library. I still couldn't find anything, but just as I was about to turn back something caught my attention. I walked over to the book that was calling me. I picked it up and looked at the title. And froze. How was it here? How... I stared at it. Maybe, just maybe this would hold the answers.

The Walking Dead

I came up behind Feyre. "I found what we need. Let's go back to the inn."

She turned around. "Are you sure? What have you found?"

Stop questioning me, I nearly snarled, but I clamped my lips into a thin line. She glared back at me, but quickly looked away. Good.

"Alright, let's go."

Once we returned to my room I showed her the book.

"What's so special about this?" She asked, prodding it with her finger. Like that would do anything.

I slid it away from her. "This is the book that originally taught me the Wyrdmarks. It always appears when I need it. Somehow it has travelled to this world as well."

"Ah." Feyre tried to appear uninterested but failed miserably.

"Well we need to search through this for any mentions of portals. I don't remember any mention of them but if it's here then it has what we need. Do you want me to take the day shift or night shift?"

Feyre held up her hands. "Woah woah woah! Do you really think it will take that long? It looks pretty thin."

I sighed. She really needed to just accept that I knew what I was doing. "Yes it will take a day at least. It might look thin now, but sometimes it adds pages to mess with me. And we can't just skim the pages. All the information we need probably won't be all on one page, so we have to be very careful to read through every page for any mention of portals. And it's very hard to read."

Feyre leaned back into her chair. "Okay fine, I get it. This book is not what it seems. I'll take the night shift." She smiled, like that meant something to her.

"Fine by me. It's night now, so I'll sleep and you read. Wake me up at dawn so you can sleep. We don't want to waste any time."

The longer we spent searching for answers, the longer our children would suffer.

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