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How freaking crazy it had been to be talking and arguing with THE Snake Eyes. Snake Eyes was know throughout every school. He was popular and cool and chill, but didn't really talk much. Had I known I was being a brat to a legend, I probably would have shut up way sooner!

Later that night, I returned home. It was like three A.M. I was exhausted, yet the feeling the guy had given wasn't about to leave.

I dragged myself up to my room. I tripped over clothes and a microwave I stole from downstairs. My parents still didn't seem to notice.

Like a zombie, I took off my jacket, shirt, skinnies, sandals, and earrings. It's a darn good thing my shirt was old 'cause it was covered in hard, dry snot from Spencer's tantrum.

As I slipped into my booty shorts and a brown tank top (my weekend shorts and weekend tank, as I referred to them since I pretty much only wore them on weekends) I noticed the wrapper from the peppermint Snake Eyes had given me.

I know it's stupid and cheesy, but I couldn't bring myself to throw away the wrapper. I felt it was my only souvenir from my encounter with the strange hottie earlier. And believe me, I didn't want to forget that!

As I went to place the wrapper in a box on my dresser, I notice something. Small markings were etched carefully into the clear plastic.

It took me awhile of reading between the lines to discover the numbers. After a few hours I had every single one deciphered.

**********420-666- 9111**********

A phone number. He had given me his number. I was dying! But how? I hadn't seen him write it down. Had he known he would end up giving his number away? Honestly, he probably had. I was amazed and terrified. Little did I know what this number would really mean.

I couldn't believe my luck! Snake Eyes had given me his number! Maybe...I wasn't actually sure if this was his. I was so tired! Finally, I put the wrapper down and determined to get a wink of rest.

I dozed in and out of consciousness, but never really got any full sleep. All night, my mind was filled with dreams of his eyes and his laugh and, yes, even his jerkish sarcasm.

I'd decided to wait to call him in the morning, though it was almost unbearable at the time. When morning came, I was sure I looked like the risen dead. Two hours of fitful sleep will do that to you.

Then, the wrapper caught the corner of my eye. Sliding my phone off my bedside table, I slowly typed in the numbers:

Searching For Snake Eyes #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now