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  • Dedicated to The girl who lived this story with me, and...my best friend. Love ya bruh!

It all started on May 24, at a ball game in Aduleck Fyhore, or more locally known as AF.

I was holding my two year old cousin and walking to the drinking fountain. Now, AF is four hours away from Bujante Lake, or BL, so we know absolutely no one there. AF was our rivals. They just had a...different culture there. At least, that's what our coach always said. Once, a few years ago, a group of AF boys surrounded a bunch of BL girls with knives and wouldn't let them go until the police came. Now, no one is aloud to go anywhere without at least two other adults with you in AF. That was my first big mistake; going alone with a two year old.

Of course it started the way all cheesy shows start...my cousin dropped his sucker. Then, almost immediately my senses were filled with the most wonderful smell; peppermint.

I couldn't lean down to get his sucker and, well, I didn't really want to. I'd just buy him another one. But no, of course that's not how it happened. My cousin, Spencer, started to cry. And not just any cry, wailing and sobbing and snorting and screaming. Snot was all over his face and the front of my shirt in a matter of seconds! Then, he appeared.

His hair was blacker than I'd ever seen any color. His jaw was square and set. His skin was super tan and flawless. He was at least seven inches taller than me and I could see the muscles bulging from beneath his white shirt. But none of that was what truly caught my attention. What did me in was his eyes.

Bluer than I'd ever seen. Honestly, his eyes terrified me! They seemed to pierce into my soul! I was pretty sure he was reading my mind and decided that, if he was, I'd better think of something else. That's when I looked down and noticed him reach into his pocket.

Slowly, his perfect lips curved into a captivating smile. Seriously! His teeth were so white! I could literally see my reflection in them. They were also perfectly straight. Like, not a curve in sight.

Slowly, his hand slid out of the pocket of his Buckle jeans. Opening his hand he revealed two peppermints. So that's where it came from. I hadn't noticed until now that Spencer had completely stopped bawling. It was almost as if he was as completely enthralled by this man as I was.

"Here bud." I almost broke down! His voice was so deep and seductive. He opened a peppermint and popped it into Spencer's mouth. Then he turned to me.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at me. No, searched me. I felt my face redden as he observed me closely.

I was small. Five feet three inches with a clothes size of zero. I hated it. I thought I looked sickly! All the girls at school hated me. They thought I starved myself and wished they could be me when, in truth, I ate more than any guy I knew.

I had black hair (not as black as his) and black eyes covered with thick black lashes. My lips were a natural rose red and my skin milky white. I hated it. Whenever I wore makeup, I looked like I was wearing gallons of it! Because of this, I wore little makeup.

I knew the guy was judging me. Judging my small, useless body and my made-up features. This all happened in a split four seconds, though it felt like hours. Nevertheless, the smile on his face never wavered. In fact, I think it might have widened.

"Uh, here. Take this to keep the kid chill when the first mint melts." I was stunned. He was talking to me. The hottest guy in the universe was talking to me! But I could here him failing to mask amusement behind his voice.

"Th-thanks." I knew it sounded retarded saying only one flimsy word, but I couldn't get anything else past the lump of humiliation in my throat. I took the mint and put it in the pocket of my black and blue BL basketball jacket.

"So you're from the lake." It wasn't a question, and I didn't know why it was so hard to respond. I got asked this every day of my life!

"Yep, I'm just here to watch the cousin." I sounded like a retard and I knew it! What was wrong with me? I had completely lost all my senses. It was May, so basketball season was over, and we were just playing an extra league. Suddenly, I hated my cousin, Brockton, for being so good at basketball.

His head turned upwards to look at the lights as his hands slid back into their place in his pockets.

"Mmm, I see. He play varsity? 'Cause the game's kind of over." Now he was talking to me like I was a stupid kid.

"No, he's a sophomore. He's on JV." I couldn't help returning the stranger's sarcasm.

"Interesting." He couldn't have sounded less interested. "And you are?"

"Scarlet. Scarlet Frost." I was immediately angry at myself for answering his question. "And you?"

"Scarlet. Hmm, Scarlet." He seemed to be trying it out and rolling my name around on his tongue. Then, he did something unbelievable. He ignored my question.

"Uuuuh excuse me? I asked what your name was." He was still saying my name. The sound of it on the waves of such a voice as his made me break out in goosebumps.

"Sorry but I don't give out that kind of information." He turned to leave. I was stunned. Adjusting Spencer on my hip, I made to follow him.

"It's your name." I said through clenched teeth. "You really won't tell me?"

He stopped in his tracks and turned to me. His face displayed faint surprise, almost as if he couldn't believe someone had actually talked back to him.

"Look Sweetheart, my name is classified. Alright?" I blinked several times before gathering my broken bearings.

"Look Sweetheart, I told you my name, and I'm not gonna let you go without getting yours. I suppose I could just ask other kids around your school." I knew that if he truly wanted to, he could just break me in half or just walk away. I couldn't stop him.

He looked around as if annoyed or surprised, I wasn't sure which.

"Go ahead and try. No one here knows my name either." I was taken aback. Did he even go here?

"Um...I...Seriously?" I was being a retard again.

"Look Hon, no one in America except my cousin and my aunt know my name. But if you must have something to call me, I guess it won't hurt to give you what I more formally go by." When he didn't continue, I raised my eyebrow to let him know I was waiting.

"And that is?" I was a brat and I knew it. Unfortunately, I didn't care.

His gorgeous eyes narrowed as he stared almost unbelieving at me. Then he muttered something and left me standing there, widemouthed with a baby whimpering in my arms.

"Snake Eyes."

Searching For Snake Eyes #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now