43: Found and Lost

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong with him today," Jin muttered watching retreating back of Taehyung. Then he gazed over the sky, the weather was indeed beautiful. The park was empty at the time or maybe it was a busy day for others.

Shrugging his shoulder, Jin took a deep breath, taking in the sweet smell of the flowers blooming behind him, a smile forming on his lips, if he was already there, then why not enjoy the time he got?

"This is nice." He mumbled and closed his eyes but soon he opened them again when he heard the pitter-patter of soft paws. When he looked around, he found a cute puppy with doe eyes.. cutely wailing his tail while sitting in front of him.

"Aw.. puppy.. where is your owner? Are you lost?" Jin smiled and patted his back but realized that there was a note bound with a ribbon to the puppy's body. Looking around for a while, he untied the note and opened that to read.

"You are so beautiful.. that I felt me being attracted to you." 

Jin was so immersed in reading that he didn't notice that puppy was already gone. "What is it? I think it's for someone else. Aish.. that puppy." He huffed but again heard the soft barks from a distance. Being curious, he walked there and found another puppy sitting there... with a note on his back.

"What should I do?" Slightly confused about the situation, Jin mumbled but that puppy come forth and rubbed his face on his legs asking for his attention. Finally, he took out the note and that puppy also ran away.

"Your eyes are more deeper than an ocean of love. I felt myself drowning in those beautiful eyes every time I saw you... Jin."

Jin's eyes grew wider, now sure that it was for him and right then he heard another bark and then the next note.

"I never had this kind of feelings in my heart before... but seeing you smiling sends some tingles in my whole body.. your smile is contagious Jin-ah."

The next puppy was at more distance and another note was found. "What is happening?" With anticipating heart, Jin licked his lips before opening the note.

"I never felt this much happy in my life... the way I feel when I am with you."

Jin felt his heartbeat quicken on those notes.. but he kept walking as puppies were found at more and more distance.

"First time when I saw you, I was completely at loss for words. But right now, I am writing these with my heart.. the heart that always beats for you."

"Cliche" Ok, now it was getting sweeter even when he called it cliche, Jin smiled in amusement, getting excited by every note.

"I want to see you again.. and again. Till my death, I want to see you close to me. I want to be the reason for your smile.. of your happiness. I want to be there for taking away your pain. I want to be the person, you can trust. I want to be the one.... and only one. In your life."

Jin bit his lips.. now growing impatient and hastily walked forth, only to find another puppy but this time the puppy was holding a rose in his mouth.

"Follow him.. please. ❤"

Jin took the rose from the puppy's mouth as the puppy barked and started running.

"Oh.. should I? Damn.." After a little hesitation, Jin started walking behind him till the puppy stopped and barked before disappearing into the crowd of all the other puppies that Jin saw before.

"Omg." Jin breathed out when he saw the place. There was a track covered with roses on the sides.. few trees were filled with many pictures of Jin, smiling and talking... while others were lightened up by flickering lights. The area was scented with the sweet aroma of roses. Not to forget about the huge heart placed at the center of the patch... covered with heart-shaped balloons.

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