Chapter 13

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Y/n's eyes snapped open as she woke, sprawled on the tiled floor of a giant hallway, light streaming in through the arches. Y/n pulled herself up, surprised, and mildly concerned, to find legs attached to her hips instead of her usual tail. She stumbled a few steps forward carefully adjusting her dress every time she crashed to the floor. Finally, she got the hang of it, tip-toeing through the hall, birds chirping in the distance. "Where am I?" She wondered aloud, marvelling at the lack of scars on her arms.

"You are in the Judgement Hall. You will be sent to heaven or to hell based on your sins." A voice echoed down from the end of the hall, oddly familiar. Y/n stepped forward, shielding her eyes against the sunlight in an effort to make out the figure. As she squinted her dumb legs got tangled and the toppled into a fight, her soul springing from her chest. It flittered around, giving off a blue-green light, black leaking from the larger cracks that littered it's surface.

Y/n was distracted from watching her soul dance by a skeleton with a wispy black cloak materialising in front of her eyes as she pulled herself to her feet. "Reaper Sans, it's a pleasure." His ever-present Cheshire grin widened as he snapped his fingers, four buttons appearing in mid-air.


She gently tapped the MERCY button, her soul darting around it happily. She smiled, but her seeing this Sans sent her thought spiralling back to Edge. Tears spilled across her cheeks as she brought her hands up to her face, desperately rubbing her eyes. "Death? Can you check on Edge for me? I just need him to stay safe."

Death's grin seemed to lessen slightly at the sight, the chasm in his chest where his heart would've been aching for this human. "You really love him, huh?" She smiled softly, wiping the last of her tears as she looked up at him.

"I suppose I'd better start walking, then. It's a long way down to the bottom of the river." She started to walk past, blanching as Death placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, why are you heading downstairs?" Curiosity thrummed though his magic.

"I killed myself." She stated, staring blankly. "I may as well have stabbed him myself. I acted selfishly and everyone I've ever cared about got hurt... because of me." Her voice trailed off, as she held a fist over her heart, looking anywhere but at him.

She looked so small in that moment, so unwilling to fight anymore, that Death considered seeing if he could get Tori to do anything, if just for the fact that Edge was one of the few people he considered a brother. But as he opened his mouth to speak, another, more hostile presence appeared in the hall with them. Even Y/n seemed to notice it, becoming generally more skittish, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Behind the pillar, go, now." He commanded under his breath. She nodded quickly, skittering off to her hiding place.

Death, satisfied that she was hidden, took a hold of the person's soul, dragging them into a fight.

PHOEBE LV19 HP 92/92


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