Chapter 7

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TW: SELF HARM. Please avoid the last paragraph if you are sensitive to this subject matter.

4 days had passed since Y/n had dished out a sob story on the rocks. She was starting the regret telling him that, but it was definitely too late to change it. Edge continued to visit regularly to check up on his best friend. That phrase filled her with bitterness she didn't know she had.

Apart from him, Blue and a few others came to visit her, even bringing their Papyrus'. Y/n had to admit, it was nice to have so many new friends, but she missed hanging out solely with Edge. It was selfish, she knew that, but she was addicted to him. The scent of smoke, the warmth of his jacket, his chuckle. She was well and truly head over heels.

Everything was going fine until yesterday, when Edge brought his new girlfriend to visit her. He brought her into Y/n's safe space, she felt threatened, he heart splintering as she saw them holding hands. She carefully schooled her featured into a smile, swimming up to meet this girl. "Hey Edge. Who's this?" She asked, avoiding his gaze.

"This is my girlfriend, Phoebe, she moved into town a few weeks ago. Phoebe, this is my best friend, Y/n."

"Pleased to meet ya, Phoebe!" Y/n smiled amicably, holding out her hand for a shake. Phoebe gave her a once over, glaring down at her outstretched hand.

Y/n laughed awkwardly, retracting her hand, bringing it to the back of her neck. "So, how long've you two been dating?" She asked nervously. Phoebe, happy to finally talk about herself, finally looked up.

"3 days, but it was love at first sight. We're so hopelessly in love, I just wish we could speed things up. Do you have a boyfriend?" She scoffed. "I mean you clearly don't. You're probably into chicks or something."

"And I'm supposed to be insulted by that, why, exactly?" Y/n retorted. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"So where do you live? A hole in a rock?" She sneered, clearly proud herself.

"At least I don't live up my own ass." Y/n shot back, baring her teeth.

Phoebe stopped, clearly shaken that someone had actually spoken back to her. Y/n, satisfied she had put her in her place, turned to finally speak to Edge, when the crying started.

Tears welled in her eyes, her bottom lip shaking. Edge quickly pulled her into his arms as she began blathering about one thing or another. "She- she's vicious! She's going to attack me!" She sobbed overdramatically into his jacket, smirking at Y/n over his shoulder. Y/n drew back, triumphant grin fading as Edge turned to her, carrying Phoebe bridal style. What hurt most, was his betrayed glare. He didn't say a word and then they were gone, leaving Y/n alone in the caves.

Shaken, Y/n swam home, holing herself up in her bedroom, unable to think. Sure, she didn't expect him to fall madly in love with her, but it felt like a betrayal. He got a new girlfriend and took her side, over his supposed best friend.

Pulling her headphone on, she began to pump music into her blank head, grabbing an almost empty bottle of Cola and downing it.

The thought of him going home with her, cuddling with her, whispering sweet nothings into her ears, enraged Y/n, but it depressed her even more. Still unable to process it, she lay down, pulling the covers up to her chin, eyes drooping shut.

An old alarm woke her at 2:30 the next morning. She shut it off, laying back down, unable to close her eyes. So, after a minute of deliberation, she dragged herself up, not bothering to make herself look presentable, forcing herself to swim to the caves once more.

The caves were silent, no sign of Edge. So, she waited. And waited. And waited. Until she got sick of waiting, jumping onto a shallow rock. Their friendship had become null and void apparently, and that annoyed her to no end. Her despair made the air around her heavy as she began to sing.

"Tell me again about how it hurts, being awfully loud for an introvert. Get out of my room, smile wiped clean. Isn't it weird to be so mean?" She ran a heavy hand through her matted hair. "I'm guessing that I've grown horns, I guess I'm human no more. I can tell I've rotted in your brain." It certainly felt that way as she stared at the glow-worms that lit up the cave, a pale imitation the stars just outside.

"Oh, how easily passion twists, you think I'm a crazy bitch. I craft my words to fit your head, cause no one listens to the dead." The disgust on his face as he left... He looked at her like she was the absolute scum of the Earth, like his girlfriend hadn't attacked first. "So maybe I will talk to you, the only way I know how to. Mhm, I've said my speech. Mhm, though sharpened teeth. You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin, please let the devil in." He hated her, she hated herself so much more because of it.

He wasn't coming, so she decided she wasn't coming back. She tried to forget him that morning as she desperately washed her dishes, stopping as she cleaned off a small knife, its blade glinting in the light.

Before she realized, blood was spilling from her arm in clouds. She looked down at the gash on her forearm, finally registering the pain as she hissed, dropping the knife in the sink, soap leaking into the open wound. She desperately dug for her bandages under the sink, finally finding one, cleaning out the wound and wrapping it. Sighing, she snatched an old hoodie from the back of the couch, settling in for a binge session of her favourite TV shows, ignoring the throbbing pain on her wrist as she rolled over and closed her eyes.

Singing With The Siren [A Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now