story idea 2 (chapter one draft)

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I walked into the building and took in the noises that were almost unbearably loud until my ears adjusted. I moved towards the elevator and pressed the button.

I walked into the building and took in the noises that were almost unbearably loud until my ears adjusted. I moved towards the elevator and pressed the button. The elevator dinged open and I stepped on, turning to press the button that would take me up to the correct floor.

"Hold the doors please?!" I smiled and did as was asked. Simply waiting for the tall lanky boy wonder to step on as well.

"Thank you Allie" He turned and smiled at me as he spoke. I nodded removing my hand from the doors so that they could close. "Sure spence."

I pondered asking him about Jonathan but decided I could wait until I saw him to ask why he left for work without me today. Perhaps he needed something fresh so he went to get it but then he would risk someone seeing. He knew that we couldn't risk that, because that would mean compulsion and a lot of it.

Which would just lead to a mess if someone figured it out so I hoped that wasn't why. Instead I thought how he might've went out early because he wanted to run or walk to work.

"Allie...are you good?" I took a breath and looked at Spencer as the elevator opened up to our floor and we stepped off.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good just thinking about a book I read." I lied smoothly knowing that my tell was so minute in movement that only the most skilled eye could catch it.

"Okay, so what book was it?" We walked into the bullpen as I blurted a title of a book I read as a teen.

" Unbroken by Laura hilenbrand. It's basically about the life of an Italian immigrant who turned from troubled child, to a star athlete. Then a war prisoner and hero in the span of a thirty some years. I enjoyed reading it very much, so much in fact that I have also seen the movie." I set my bag down on my desk and smiled when I saw Jonathan.

He walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug. Placing a gentle kiss on my temple and inhaling deeply.

"Hello beautiful, did you sleep well?"

I smiled and planted a kiss on his jaw wrapping my arms around him to return the welcome hug.

"I did because I had the wonderful experience of sleeping next to you and feeling as though not even a fly could touch me."

He just looked at me for a moment before finally seeing Spencer.

"Hey spence..."

I rested my head on his chest and took this moment to soak up how warm and content I felt standing in his arms. To have him hold onto me and let me do the same to him. I didn't want this moment to end because the sound of his voice rumbling in his chest mixed with his heartbeat and breathing were just so relaxing. But of course there had to be a case. I sighed as the moment broke and I was pulled from my world of delight.

"Babe you gotta let go" I pouted as i looked up at him.

" but I don't wanna Jonathan, I just want go back home and hug you all day. Can we do that? Can we go home so I can hug you all day?" I had a hopeful smile on my face that soon dropped to a frown when he shook his head no with a chuckle.

"No I am afraid not but you can sit on my lap or next to me today, just like always. How does that sound?"

I tapped my chin as I pretended to think dramatically and giggled when he lifted me with one arm by my thighs and carried my into the briefing room.

" Jonathan you can put me down now" I was smiling like the expression had been permanently spelled onto my face.

He carefully set me on my feet and took his seat. I pulled up a chair and sat right next to him waiting for the briefing to begin.

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