"Are we going to be able to hold them off?" You asked.
"You bet," he smiled. "Also, I think one of the clones wanted to see you, he's over there." Anakin pointed to a group of clones.

You nodded and walked up to the group.
"Hi?" You said.
"Hey kid," one took off his helmet revealing his identity.
"Hey Knot," you smiled at him.
"Ready to destroy some clankers?" Knot asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be," you smirked.
"Then get ready," Fives spoke up. "They're coming."

You looked at the sky to see Separatist command ships appearing.
"Let's go destroy the clankers," you smiled rushing off.

You were fighting a bunch of droids on a balcony overlooking the water. They had you cornered at the edge of it. You took out a few, but more just replaced them.
"Crap," you muttered.

You were outnumbered. The droids were about to finish you off, when shots echoed from down the hall. The shots hit the droids knocking them to the ground. You used the droid's surprise to finish them off with your lightsaber.

You looked over to the group of clones running towards you. One took off his helmet and smiled.
"I got your back, kid," Knot put his hand on your shoulder.
"Thanks," you breathed, exhausted.

"I'll see you later?" He said as the group he was with, began to run off.
"Yeah," you called as you turned to face more clankers.

After the battle, you walked up to your friend and smiled.
"Knot," you said.
"Kid," Knot was grinning from ear to ear. "I got promoted to Commander! I'm going to lead a division to protect Kamino!"

You smiled almost as wide as him.
"I always knew you'd be a great clone," you said. "And I came to say goodbye, I have to go home."
"Alright," Knot's smile faded a little. "I'll see you soon kid."
"Bye," you hugged Knot before boarding your ship to head home.


Knot walked through the halls of Kamino.  He stifled a yawn, it was past midnight after all. That was the only bad part about being the Commander, he had to take the last shift.

Knot decided to listen to the radio to see how his brothers were doing on the front lines.

Hello! We are here to give you updates from the front lines of the war! Today, something most peculiar happened, and is happening right as we speak! Right now, on Mandalore, Padawan and Commander (y/n) (l/n) is fighting the Mandalorian terrorist, Pre Vizsla, who also appears to be the young Jedi's father!

Knot froze. The kid was fighting Pre Vizsla? (Y/n) is going to end up dead! He turned off the radio and ran into the barracks.
"Hey, Mick," he whispered to his Captain, trying not to wake the other clones.
"What?" Mick mumbled.
"I need you to take my shift," Knot said. "I need to get to Mandalore right now!"
"Why?" Mick groaned looking at Knot.
"I need to go help the kid," Knot confessed.
"Fine, as long as you take my shift tomorrow," Mick said getting up.
"Deal," Knot smiled and ran out the door.

He got in a ship and flew all the way to Mandalore.
"Don't worry kid," he said. "I'm coming."

Knot landed his ship and ran through the streets until he heard a loud crash, which was followed by blaster shots.

"No," he said running faster.
Knot ran out onto a large platform, overlooking thousands of people. On the platform lay (y/n) who was unconscious, Pre Vizsla, General Windu, and a team of clones.

Knot shot at Pre Vizsla but he flew away using his jet pack.
"Damn it," he muttered.
General Windu ran up to (y/n) and put the teenager onto a stretcher. Knot ran up to the General.

"General, sir," Knot stood at attention.
"Troopers what is your identification?" The General asked.
"CT-3677, sir," Knot said. "They call me Knot."
"You're the Commander of the Kamino protection unit," The General pointed out.

Knot nodded.
"Yes General,"
"What are you doing out here?" He asked.
"I heard about Commander (l/n)," Knot said. "I've known the kid since I first came to Coruscant."

General Windu nodded.
"I'm guessing you'd like to accompany the Padawan back to Coruscant?" He asked.
"If it's okay with you, sir," Knot said still standing at attention.
"Yes, you can come," the General said.

Knot followed General Windu over to the ship, where the kid lay unconscious.
"What happened?" Knot asked.
"Padawan (l/n) tried to pick a fight with Pre Vizsla, which happens to be (y/n)'s father," General Windu said. "Got shot in the leg and lower abdomen."

"If only I were faster," Knot muttered.
He gripped the kid's hand and held it all the way back to Coruscant.

Knot sat in the medbay next to the kid waiting. But the kid never woke up. Knot put his head in his hands and shook his head.

The door opened and General Windu walked in.
"General, sir!" Knot got up and stood at attention.
"At ease soldier," the General said and Knot sat back down.
Knot watched as the General sat down across from him.
"Sir?" Knot asked.
"Lama Su has ordered you to return to your post," the General spoke into the silence. "You have to return home."
"But what if the kid doesn't make it?" Knot asked.
"The Padawan is strong, but we don't need you to lose your rank because you feel guilty," the General said.
"I'm...not...guilty," Knot hesitated.
"I know you wish you could have gotten there faster, you wish you could have saved him," General Windu said.

Knot looked down.
"I'm sorry General, but I don't want (y/n) to die because I was too slow," Knot said quietly.
"(Y/n) will be fine," General Windu assured Knot. "But you have to go back to Kamino."

Knot nodded and slowly stood up. He put a hand on the kid's shoulder.
"See ya kid," Knot said before he walked out of the medbay, leaving the kid alone with General Windu.


Knot jumped out from behind the crates, shooting at his brothers. They shot back, but Knot was good at dodging shots.

Knot looked to make sure the clones guarding the shuttle were following him too. Luckily, they were so the kid was able to run into the shuttle. Knot smiled and shot at his brothers.

He ran through the clones shooting each one in his path. One by one, clones fell to the ground. Knot kept on pushing through the group. He looked over at one of his brothers, and by looking at his armor, Knot recognized Mick, who served with him on Kamino.  He closed his eyes and shot Mick, Knot didn't want to watch himself kill his Captain.

Knot kept shooting, but he was hopelessly outnumbered.
A clone shot him in the back causing Knot to fall to the ground. He watched as the kid started the shuttle and began to fly out of the hangar, but Knot could tell that the kid was watching.

"Live to fight another day kid, live to fight another day," Knot said, before all the clones open fired on him.

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