Fathers Vs Daughters

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Genji and Ethan walked onto the training ground as Hellia and Gojirin were both in a fighting stance. Genji smiled snapping his fingers as the two went at them. Hellia was the first to be taken down just by one punch from Ethan causing her to hit the floor. Gojirin punched Ethan sending him back only for Genji to slam his fist together on the back of her head. Hellia quickly got up grabbing the kaiju's tail and slamming him against the ground. Ethan quickly kneed her in the chest turning her attention to her father. Gojirin rose behind Ethan and repeatedly started punching him in the back. The demon king let out a grunt as Hellia kneed him in the chest, the two repeatedly started to punch him. The demon king than started to let out shocks of dark red energy and released a massive pulse causing the two to go flying. Genji jumped up grabbing Hellia and slamming her into the ground. Ethan grabbed Gojirin's leg and started to slam her around. He than started to fly around the battlefield dragging her around. Gojirin let out a roar grabbing Ethan's leg and flipping him over pinning him on the ground. Genji punched Hellia multiple times in the face causing her to fall on the ground. Genji grabbed her hair and lifted her up only to slam her against the ground. Her eyes than started to glow a mixture of yellow and orange grabbing Genji by the neck. She than flew up with him going into the clouds, he than let out his four spider legs and stabbed her in the back causing her to yell in pain.

Genji: Fall

The cyborg continued to punch her causing the girl to fall to the ground. That was when Ethan went flying towards them hitting Genji causing Hellia to get the advantage and completely nail on him. The kaiju grabbed her veil and ripped it right off making her grow with rage. She continuously punched him forming a sword and stabbing his chest causing the kaiju to roar in pain. The kaiju fell towards the ground landing on Ethan causing a explosion of their own mass and power. Hellia landing on the ground putting her veil back on as Gojirin joined her.

Gojirin: Think we won

Hellia: Not yet, but their power is rising

The smoke cleared reveal a large being. The two looked in shock as the creature rose and looked at the two.

The demon kaiju let out a roar of rage and a sound that you could only hear in your nightmares

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The demon kaiju let out a roar of rage and a sound that you could only hear in your nightmares.

Etheji: Good work you two, but I don't think your good enough to on this

Gojirin: SHIT!

Hellia: Get ready

The fusion jumped towards the two grabbing one and slamming them against the ground. Gojirin was grabbed by head as Etheji lifted her up and started to punch her repeatedly as Hellia was being choked by their tail and being dragged also. Hellia grabbed the tail as she got her legs to plant on the ground. The fusion let out a roar as Hellia lifted them and slammed them against the ground. The deiju (mixture between demon and kaiju) was lifted up multiple times than slammed back down. They let out a pulse of both radiation and dark lighting sending them back allowing the fusion to get back up. Etheji let out another roar of rage with dark crystals growing around him causing them to grain more power. They launched at Hellia kicking her into a wall as they punched Gojirin in the stomach, lifting her up and slamming her against the ground.

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