Leo And Titanus

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In a universe on the edge of the multiverse far from the Darkness's reach where two powerful beings. Titanus and Leo sons of Genji and Angela.

 Titanus and Leo sons of Genji and Angela

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The two were battling out proving to eachother who was stronger as Titanus knocked Leo away with his tail

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The two were battling out proving to eachother who was stronger as Titanus knocked Leo away with his tail. Leo roared charging toward Titanus who was powering up a atomic beam. Leo noticed and began to fly up with Titanus blasting his beam towards Leo, Titanus's atomic breath could track his enemies making his breath one of the most powerful versions. Leo was hit in the side causing the Gojira monster to fall to the ground. Titanus growled towards his younger brother with Leo getting back up to continue the fight.

Titanus: You're barely even a challenge Leo, did Hellia teach you nothing? If that's the case it at least explains why she died so easily

Leo roared in rage as Titanus began to speak Hellia as if she was a stepping stool. Leo roared transforming into his 2nd stage his stage that could rival Titanus in brute strength.

 Leo roared transforming into his 2nd stage his stage that could rival Titanus in brute strength

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Leo roared punching Titanus into a rock grabbing leg and throwing him towards another rock. Leo roared unleashing his atomic breath onto Titanus causing the kaiju to roar in pain. Titanus roared unleashing his atomic breath targeting Leo's back making Leo loose control of his breath falling to the ground. Titanus got up and shook off all the dirt and dust on his body. Leo growled as he emerged ready to continue only to fall as memories began to come back to him. Leo remembered finding Hellia's remains before going into hiding once learning Exedra killed her. He would eventually meet up with Titanus and train with him hoping to one day be able to hold his own against Exedra if the time came. That was when a portal opened with Angela walking out.

Titanus: Mom?

Angela: Hi boys! Am I interrupting something?

Titanus: No we just finished our daily training, Leo has been catching up to me! How about Gojirin, is she still trying to best me

Angela: Actually Gabriel, I think Gojirin has already surpassed you due to her new Mothra abilities

Titanus began to get angry learning that his sister finally lept passed him. Before Genji died Titanus was strongest among his siblings, then Gojirin become motivated to become stronger. The two began to fight for who was at the top but now Gojirin finally surpassed him.

Titanus: Please don't tell me, she has Ultra Instinct now...

Angela: Don't worry Gabe, her rage will never allow her to possibly obtain Utlra Instinct. Plus she has the spirit of almost every godzilla inside her, Genji is the only one with Ultra Instinct. I doubt Gojirin could unlock it soon so that leaves a door open for you. Along with you Leo!

Leo smiled towards his mother until Angela decide to break the reunion and tell them the real reason why she was here.

Angela: Resusa is back, I'm not sure how but she returned with a Genji of her own, nothing like your father.

Leo and Titanus were taken aback, their mother told them stories when they were little about Resusa but never thought she could come back. They knew who Carnel was aswell due to Kiryu having close contact with them. If Resusa is anything like Carnel, she would be just as worst as him. Angela explained more on the situation on what this variant of their father was. It had no free will and did the bidding of what ever Resusa requested of him.

Angela: Though if we fail in battle we have a solution that could possibly help us

Leo: And what's that?

Angela: We bring back Genji...

Titanus was confused on how they would bring back Genji as it was thought his entire body was destroyed. Angela then explained that she thought so too until they found his body slowly healing underwater. Titanus was surprised they didn't resurrect him already but then Angela told him how he could suffer from memory loss if resurrected so if so they can just drag him to the fight through portal. Titanus understood but was kinda of against the idea but Leo was all for it due to the fact his father could come back.

Titanus: And if he goes rogue and joins the enemy?

Angela: Genji as a alpha predator, will only battle against those who won't kneel. And his evil counter part is one of those who won't kneel, along with Resusa. Genji no matter what will battle against those two for either survival or dominance. It's just the way your father is...

Titanus and Leo nodded as a portal opened with Gojirin walking out with Diana.

Diana: I can't believe you convinced me to do this -_-

Gojirin: Oh come on, you barely ever get involved with these fights!

Diana: Dad's problems shouldn't be my problems in the first place, how the hell did she come back in the first place!?

Leo: Good to see you too sis!

Diana: *middle finger*

Titanus: She's sure changed alot

Angela: Diana we talked about this

Diana: Yeah yeah mom, I just haven't slept for 3 days due to constantly being chased around by a another Godzilla (Genji-1)

Gojirin: Ok enough about that so you two numb nuts in?

Titanus: Yeah we're in, almost the whole family's here! What about Kiryu?

Gojirin: Oh he's making a few weapons for the battle ahead. So we'll see him once the battle comes!


Resusa stood in the ruins of a G Force base. She held one of Genji's destroyed visors, she hate the sight of it. She would destroy it but she couldn't.

Resusa: Genji...I loved you, why did you leave me? Why did you kill our son? Those questions will be answered eventually but I have one goal, destroy all those you love and hold dear...starting with new family!

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