Gojirin's Fluster

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Gojirin and Kenji tried to avoid each other as much as possible which Alice noticed quickly as Gojirin would hid everytime that Kenji came around. Kenji would do the same if he showed up early for training. Alice knew exactly what this was, the two liked each other but they didn't want themselves to distract each other. Three days past as Gojirin sat under a tree ready a book with Alice walking up to her.

Alice:  What are you reading 🤨

Gojirin sweating and talking fast: Oh nothing, nothingatall, nothingofanyimportance!

Alice grabbed the book looking at the title as she gave Gojirin a face of "really?"

Alice: "How to attract a angel", where did you even get this book?

Gojirin: The multidimensional library, it was in the Evangelion section right next to How to kill Ghost Of Darkness

Alice: Well time to add that to my to do list! Anyway seriously, if you like him just confess

Gojirin: But Alice the thing is this is all new for me, sure I had a thing for Exedra that lasted awhile surprisingly! Plus Mio died about a year and 3 weeks ago for him, I don't want to just replace her

Alice: I know what you're thinking, it happened to your father and you're afraid if it does happen your offspring might have to deal with the same problem

Gojirin: I don't want him to think I'm just going to take advantage of a grieving friend

Alice: Just go up to him and confess and see what happens, if he rejects you then you at least tried

Gojirin got up smiling towards Alice thanking her for the advice as she walked to Kenji's room. Kenji was thinking about his dream, it felt so real and enjoyed it. He also had those feels but he didn't want to go up to her, he knew about her feelings about Exedra. That was when he heard knocking at the door, he opened it to see Gojirin. He was confused as his head was spinning in circles. Kenji was about to say something until Gojirin pinned him against the wall. Gojirin was shorter than him so this looked pretty funny from a 3rd person view.

Kenji: Uh Goji? What are you doing?

Gojirin: I have to tell you something Kenji...I like you.....

Kenji's face turned bright red as a volcano exploded in his head. Kenji couldn't muster up any words as Gojirin kept talking on how she didn't even know why she had theses feelings.

Gojirin: It's ok if you reject me, I just don't want to ruin our friendship

Kenji stood silent until he pinned her against the wall. Gojirin blushed as Kenji's eyes glowed two different colors.

Meanwhile inside Kenji's brain...

Armaros: Ok let's THINK about this, if we do this we have to remember not us full power, we have to be logical about this!

Torwart: Kenji's primal instincts are burning flames that can't be controlled. So I don't know if he'll hold back plus the dude hasn't jerked off for 3 days now

Armaros: .....Fair point

Back to Gojirin and Kenji


Gojirin thinking: OH SHI-

Uh oh, it looks like Gojirin is in for a real treat now, but will she be able to handle the 25.4 cm that is Kenji's d##k!? Or will Gojirin be too much for the angel, find out next time on Super Oc Ball Super Heroes Super Hero Missions Z Kai Fighterz Raging Blast Xenoverse Legends Dokkan!

Sneak peak of how the next chapter ends:

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