Finale: Wolf Vs Gojira

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Genji-1 walked onto the plate form standing at a height of 3 meters then his usual 150 meters.

 Genji-1 roared towards the wolf running towards him as the two collided with Genji-1 pushing him into a pillar

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Genji-1 roared towards the wolf running towards him as the two collided with Genji-1 pushing him into a pillar. Exedra roared as his fist was covered by Historia's flame punching the kaiju in the face knocking him away. Genji-1 turned roaring towards Exedra biting into his arm and swinging him into the ground. Exedra growled as Genji-1 stomped on his back, the kaiju's eyes started to glow blue along with his spikes. Genji-1 lifted his head towards the sky as his mouth began to glow blue. Exedra pushed the kaiju's foot off as he blasted his atomic ray destroying more pillars. Exedra began to run from Genji-1 blast as Genji would follow him as he blast got closer towards the wolf. Exedra jumped into the air as Genji-1's atomic breath burned him causing the wolf to cry out in pain. The kaiju smiled in amusement of the ghost's pain. Exedra landed near Kenji and Angela as the two watched the kaiju walk towards them.

 Exedra landed near Kenji and Angela as the two watched the kaiju walk towards them

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The kaiju walked slowly towards them as lightning struck in the distance. Angela growled charging at the new kaiju only to get punched away into a pillar as it collapsed on her. Kenji rushed towards the new Godzilla only to get stomped on and kicked away. Genji-1 was only after Exedra and he wasn't going to stop until he either killed him or leave him disabled. Genji-1 roared charging towards the downed wolf as he dodged his attack. Genji-1 turned slashing into the ghost's side with blood spilling everywhere. Genji-1 roared biting into the wolf's arm and began to rip it off. Exedra roared in pain as Genji-1 ripped his arm with even more blood spilling. The Wolf fell to the ground as Genji-1 preceded to blast his atomic breath on him burning the wolf. Though deep down, Exedra wanted this, the only reason he would fight to live is to see Hellia in the living world again. Exedra closed his eyes and accepted that finally he could actually die. Just like that Exedra's body was destroyed along with the device as he laid on top of it. Genji-1 growled and roared towards the sky victorious turning his head and walking back to sea. Gojirin recovered to see the kaiju dive into the water disappearing into another universe. Everyone sighed until they heard the sound of bones and flesh turning to see the Darkness rebuilding Exedra and taking over his body.


Before the Overlord could attack the group something held him back.

Alice: What the?

Exedra: Get out of here...I can't hold him back much longer!

Alice: But Exe-


Alice let out a few tears as a portal opened with Angela, Gojirin, and Kenji jumping in. Alice watched him struggle to keep his master from taking over. Alice then felt an arm grab her and pull her in as she cried out Exedra's name. Gojirin closed the portal once everyone was in, Zeus walked towards the crying Alice and laid next to her to cheer her up.

Gojirin: We have to find his weakness one day

Kenji: Agreed, the only one who can destroy him is his creator but that won't happen unless you kill the creator or at least their creator body.

Angela: I forgot that's how Ocs worked, you have to destroy the creator in order to kill his creations

Kenji: Dareka and Legendaro can deal with Darkusnoid's plan, we'll be fine for the time being let's all just get some rest

Gojirin turned to her mother as she began to walk away.

Gojirin: Mom? Aren't you staying?

Angela smiled and turned towards her daughter.

Angela: Someone has to bring him back, I have to be the one to do so, next time you probably see me, your father will be with me!

Gojirin smiled turning back to the house as Angela spread her wings and took off into the air.

The Ocs have prevailed once again with more knowledge on their common enemy. Will they defeat the Darkness or will light be consumed by it? Find out next time on Oc Ball Z Kai!

(Next part is cannon)

A creator stood watching her creations as a hooded figure began to walk towards her. She turned to face him as he pulled out a knife.

???: The fun...BEGINS!!!

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