Chapter 14 - Cold

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The feast played out much the same way it had the night before, only this time Theon barely made it through the door before running off with not one, but three, possibly even four maids or young girls.

Once again Robb and I were left alone at the head table, chatting as we had done the night before. It was only when he walked me to my chambers that everything went silent. I could hear our footsteps echoing down the stone halls of Winterfell. We walked slowly and silently. I wasn’t tired and Robb didn’t look like he was either, yet it was late. Nearly midnight.

“I hope you make it back to Kings Landing safely.” Robb finally said, breaking the silence in our slow walk that I had noticed we had both taken the long way for.

“I don’t see why we would run into any trouble, but in all honesty I can’t say I want it to go quickly. Kings Landing isn’t a place I’m looking forward to seeing again.”

“Well, you’re always welcome back here whenever you like and if Ramsay gives you trouble simply write me a letter and I’ll have him arrested.” I chuckled, but I could sense the seriousness behind his words as we finally approached my bedroom door. I leant up and gave him a hug and then a kiss on the cheek as I pulled back. “What was that for?”

“For being nice.” I replied with a small smile before opening the door to my chambers and walking in. Once the door was closed behind me my back pressed up against it and my legs gave way until I was sitting on the ground, motionless and staring at nothing, not being able to read my own emotions or comprehend why for the first time in 8 years I could feel the cold breeze blowing through my open window and actually wish I had a warm cloak to curl up in.


Sleep never came and my eyes never became tired. I tossed and I turned and I threw my blankets and pillows back and forth, trying to get comfortable.

A surprising knock at my door made me jump up and walk to it in my night dress, not even thinking before swinging the heavy wooden frame back revealing Theon Greyjoy. My eyes widened in surprise and I quickly slammed the door closed and grabbed a nearby cloak to throw around myself. When I opened the door I saw he hadn’t moved and his permanent grin was spread wider than usual as he readjusted his stance to lean in the open door frame.

“I’m sorry if I startled you, My Lady.”

“No you’re not. What are you doing here?”

“Following orders. You are tog et dressed and come with me.”

“Are you ordering me?” I crossed my arms.

“No, but I may have to drag you.”

I rolled my eyes, “Wait a minute.” He nodded and tried to step into the room. “On the other side of the door.” I said as I pushed my hand on his chest.

He took a few steps backwards with another smirk and an exaggerated bow. “As my lady commands.” I shut the door with another eye roll and quickly pulled on a pale blue loose dress. Opening the door, Theon stood wide-eyed. “You’ll freeze.”

I rolled my eyes for the third time, this time from weariness of hearing those words. “I’ll be fine. Come on, take me to wherever it is you’ve been ordered too.” I walked past hime and lef the way, but only made it a few paces before Theon’s hands were on my shoulders, spinning me around and dragging me in the opposite direction.

“Wrong way, Princess.” He chuckled. The only reason I agreed to go with Theon was because the only order he took were from Robb and Ser Rodrik, and Ned Stark, but he wasn’t here, so I didn’t see the problem, but that didn’t make him any less frustrating or… well… Theon. Oddly enough though, if you spend enough time with him he slowly becomes tolerably and eventually likable.

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