Chapter 6 - The Thorn at the Wall

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We were approaching the wall and although excited about being back I was also dreading seeing my father. There was going to be some form of argument or maybe he wouldn’t acknowledge me at all. I’d much rather he just pretend like I didn’t exist, but at the same time I did enjoy yelling at him.

Upon entering we were greeted by the Lord Commander and Maester Aamon with my father standing back. I could feel his gaze on me, but I ignored it and just focussed on Mormont. He went through all the greetings and then the men were sent off to find their rooms and chambers. Everyone had their own room, but they weren’t exactly the size of those at Kings Landing. Just large enough to fit belongings and a bed.

Mormont approached Tyrion and welcomed the Lannister. Saying things like “It is an honour to have you,” and all of those formalities. He then turned to me. “Aiyana…”

“I’ll only be staying as long as Tyrion. I couldn’t pass off the opportunity to come home.” I said before he could say anything else.

He smiled, “I was just going to say that it’s good to see you again.” I smiled back and gave him a hug.

“It’s good to see you too.” I then moved over to Aamon.

The blind man reached out his hand and found my shoulder before reaching up to my cheek and brushing my hair back. “You haven’t changed… except… you’ve grown.” I chuckled and pulled him into a hug like I did Mormont.

“You haven’t changed either.”

“Come, Lord Tyrion. I shall show you to your chambers. I trust you remember where yours are, Aiyana?” The Lord Commander asked.

“Of course.” I smiled at him and he left with Tyrion.

“Aiyana.” My father stated as a greeting when he finally walked up to me.

“I’ll leave you to it.” Aamon said before slowly walking off with the guided assistance of one of his stewards.

“Father.” I stated back. “No need to give me a lecture. I’m only staying until Tyrion’s curiosities are met.” He nodded and walked off without another word.

“I have to admit, I was waiting for him to start screaming.” A new male voice said from behind me. I smiled and spun around, not saying anything before running up and wrapping my arms around Yoren as he spun me around. “It’s good to see you too, Princess.” Yoren came to Kings Landing once every six months to clean out the dungeons, but I had always been close with him and considering he had been the only connection I had to the wall these past two years it made us even closer and he always called me Princess because I was the only girl at the wall.

“Have I missed much?”

“No, nothing. And nothing has changed since you left. We’re still losing more men then we have coming in, it’s getting colder, your father still feels it necessary to bully all the new recruits and Mance raider is still calling himself King beyond the Wall.” Yoren quickly elaborated as he walked me to my room. “What of Kings Landing? Has the King found you a groom yet or been asked for your hand.” I had to hold in a laugh.

“Robert never stops looking, however, can never seem to find someone. I’ve only been his ward for two years, but he seems to have developed this fondness for me that puts me at a par with Princess Myrcella in his eyes. Those of low stature are not worthy and those of high cannot risk their family’s good name. Although there have been some who have asked him, but he turns them all away.”

“And why is that? I always believed them to be the best option.”

“Because I asked him to.”

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