Chapter 21 - For The Greater Good

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"I don't like this." I whispered to Robb so only he could hear and not his men or his mother or Theon. We were standing on a hill by the river bank in plain view of the Twins, waiting for Walder's men to come and greet us.

"We need to cross the bridge." He whispered back.

"Walder Frey isn't the most trustworthy of Lords and he ask for something in return. Something beyond fair."

"I know, but we don't have another option. He'll probably just want more land. He's also wanted my uncle, Edmure, for one of his daughters for years. Whatever it is, Frey will certainly take advantage of the situation. Bannerman to my grandfather or not, but like it said..."

"You need the bridge." I finished for him. "I know, does not mean I have to like it."

"Nor I." He responded back.

"This is ridiculous." Theon exclaimed. "Just march up to his walls and tell them you're crossing. You've got five times their numbers. You can take the Twins if you have to."

"We don't have the time. Tywin Lannister marches North as we speak." The Greatjon shot back at Theon. Robb had left 2000 men behind at our last camp where the Lannister spy had been found. When Robb let him go, he had a plan. Tywin was marching to that camp, believing Robb and all of his 20 thousand men would be there, easy for the taking. While really Robb and the remaining 18 thousand troops would be across the river attacking Jaime Lannister. However if he couldn't cross, then Tywin would tear them apart once he caught up.

"Saddle my horse, have it ready." Robb said to no one in particular, but I saw someone move to the horse from the corner of my eye.

"Enter the Twin alone and he could sell you to the Lannisters." Greatjon spoke again.

"If I'm going to lead this army I can't have another men doing my bargaining for me." Robb said.

"I agree." Lady Stark spoke for the first time. "I'll go." The Greatjon and Robb went to protest, but she shut them down. "I have known Lord Walder since I was a girl, he won't harm me." She finished as two men on horses pulled up in front of us.

Robb didn't seem to happy with the plan, but it was definitely the best one we had.

Catelyn rode off to meet with Lord Frey while the rest of us stayed behind. It was silent for a long time, everyone wondering about the conversation that would be happening inside the Twins. I found myself playing with the ends of my long sleeves of my dark green dress as I sat on a log from a fallen tree.

"You could at least try and not act nervous." Robb said as he took up a seat next to me.

"I am not nervous." I argued as I looked at him, but he gave me a look that clearly said he could see straight through me. I rolled my eyes and went back to playing with my sleeves.

"Come on. We can't all sit around here all day. I'll leave some guards here to wait for my mother's return. We'll head back to the camp." He stated as he stood up and held out his hand for me to take.

They day seemed to drag on, never really ending. Catelyn had left just before noon and it wasn't until the sun began to set did I finally see her ride into camp with the guard Robb had left right behind her.

Robb was in his tent with Theon, Lord Umber and Ser Rodrik and Catelyn headed straight there. I on the other hand was in the middle of a walk with Grey Wind. I watched the tent for a moment, unsure of what I should do. Barely a few minutes later I saw everyone leave the tent, save for Robb and Lady Stark. Theon walked the slowest out of three men which was unusual. The other walked ahead and he stopped for a moment before looking up and seeing me standing in the distance with the Direwolf. He made no attempt to walk over to me only stared for a moment before walking after the others.

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