Chapter 2 - I'm Not A Lady, Not Really

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One month. One month on horseback. I loved riding, but I was pretty sure my ass and inner thighs couldn’t go much longer without turning to leather. We were so close now to Winterfell. We would arrive tomorrow. The King had ordered me to pick out an elegant dress for our arrival. I was to enter Winterfell in a carriage not on my horse. Something about being ladylike. We camped that night and rose early in the morning. I had a long relaxing bath and changed into my sky blue frock with beading. I now smelt of perfume and soap instead of horse and leather.

Thankfully the King allowed me to ride in a separate carriage then the Queen. Joffrey and Tommon were with Cersei and I was with Myrcella. He knew we didn’t get on. I don’t know why she didn’t like me, she had just adapted this hatred towards me since the day I arrived. Her brothers on the other hand I thought of as friends.

“Now there’s the elegant Lady that we all know and love.” I heard a voice from behind me. I spun and smiled at Tyrion. “Thought we were beginning to lose you under all those rags.”

“I grew up in rags like that, thank-you.”

“Well it’s a good thing you came to court when you did, otherwise all that potential would have gone to waste.”

“My potential to wear a dress and walk around with grace? What good does that do the kingdom?”

“It brightens the mood of its subjects.” He said with a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes at his usual flirty banter.

“Oh Tyrion, what are we going to do with you?” I said as a mockery.

He took in a deep breath, “Well… you could start by directing me to the closest brothel. I have no intention of being a part of the welcoming party. There is too much to do and too much to see. After all, you only live once.”

“Well, I’m afraid I’m the wrong person to ask, but you seem to have a very good nose when it comes to finding entertainment so I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” I said with a smile as I tilted my head to the side.

A smile spread across his face. “Very well, I shall see you at the feast. They will have a feast won’t they?”

“I’m sure they will, Tyrion.” He nodded and walked off towards his horse, his small frame weaving through the king’s men. I shook my head at him before stepping up into my carriage. I noted that Ace had been tied up behind it and upon entering I found Shadow reclining on a seat.


The ride was short. Shorter than I expected. We were apparently closer than we realized. When the carriage stopped I sat patiently with Myrcella, waiting for someone to open the door, as respectable ladies do. I heard the King greet Lord and Lady Stark along with their children and then the door opened. I let Mrycella walk out first and followed her after telling Shadow to stay. Once I stepped out onto the top step a saw a hand reach out for me to take, so I could gracefully walk down the steps to the ground. It was Jamie.

I took in my surroundings and saw a gruff man who could only be Lord Eddard Stark and his lady wife beside him. Next to her was a young boy, who was my age. Behind him were another two, one was the same age and the other maybe a few years older. I took them as Robb Stark, Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy. All three were very handsome and I could feel their eyes on me. Beside Robb was a pretty young girl with fiery red hair. She could only be Sansa Stark and beside her was another girl, maybe 10 or 11 – Arya Stark. Then there were the youngest two. Brandon and Rickon. Rickon was maybe 5 and Brandon 8. I knew all about them from Benjen.

“That’s Jamie Lannister, the King Slayer.” I heard little Arya whisper.

“Shhh.” Her sister shot back.

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