Chapter 19 - Battle Plans

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It had been about two weeks. We had set up camp and were waiting for Lady Stark to join us. Robb continued his battle plans with his commanders. I was sometimes privy to the meetings, but rarely. It didn’t bother me though because Robb told me everything after, it was just his men who didn’t like the idea, although I think I was growing on them.

I of course slept in a separate tent to Robb as was the proper thing, but he sometimes snuck into mine at night and simply just fell asleep on my bed as I lay on his chest.

If I ever went for a walk, usually just around the camp, Robb would always tell me to take Grey Wind with me claiming it was good exercise for the Dire Wolf, but really he was just setting me up with an unofficial body guard, knowing I’d protest to having an actual one, although Theon did have to accompany me if ever I ventured past the camp. I didn’t mind though, I had actually befriended the Greyjoy and grown used to his cocky smirk and flirty behaviour, but neither Robb nor I took any of it seriously, knowing it was just who he was.

I had decided to take Grey Wind for another walk around camp, venturing past a few blacksmith tents and ending in the kitchen. It was snowing which was odd for the area we were in and the men all joked that Robb had brought the North with him, then he would joke to me later that I was the North which I simply rolled my eyes at.

I had just reached the edge of the camp when I saw two horses on a nearby hill. Even through the distance I recognised one of them as Lady Stark and the other must have been a guard. They trotted their horses up to me and then dismounted, Catelyn looking directly at me, clearly not in an approving way. “Where is my son?” She asked sternly, allowing a glance at Grey Wind who I think she was shocked not to see by her son’s side.

“This way, Lady Stark.” That was the best greeting I would get apparently. I led her to Robb’s tent and along the way we met up with Ser Rodrik. I let Catelyn take the lead as we approached and then inside, upon seeing her, stood up straight and bowed.

“Mother!” Robb beamed as he spun around and saw her.

“You look well.” She nodded in approval as she took in the sight of her son in armour, surrounded by his subjects. I guessed she realised he wasn’t a boy anymore.

“Lady Catelyn, you’re a welcome sight in these troubled times.” Lord Umber declared.

She nodded at him before speaking again. “I would speak with my son alone. “I know you will forgive me, my Lords.”

“You heard her! Move your arses!” Lord Umber yelled. “Come on, out!” The men started leaving. “You too, Greyjoy. Are you bloody deaf?” He said in a quieter tone. “Have no fear, My Lady. We’ll shove our swords up Tywin Lannister’s bunghole and then it’s on to the Red Keep to free Ned.” Umber said as his last statement before taking his leave. Catelyn was left a little wide eyed at his statement and I could stop myself from smiling a little.

I left Grey Wind with Robb and quickly caught up to Theon.

“Any pointers?” I asked.

“With Lady Stark? Just agree with whatever she says.” He smiled.

“That’s helpful, Greyjoy, thank-you.”

“If she doesn’t like you, Ana, she doesn’t like you.” He stated, using the nickname he’d adapted. “She’s a stubborn women, there’s nothing for it. She didn’t look all that happy that you had Grey Wind.”

“Was that the only thing she didn’t approve of?”

Theon chuckled, “I’m afraid you’re in for a rough relationship with her, but if it’s any consolation you’re slowly winning over the army.”

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